EuroMulti - New Philosophy of Security at Banks
Why to Change Old Philosophy to New One? To achieve higher effectivity To be more competitive To reduce costs To increase security To provide better environment for employees and customers
Older Bank Branches Style – Closed Style
Disadvantages of Closed Styled Branches Heavy furniture Security glass Heavy, big, expensive safes Closed atmosphere Bad contact with customer
New Bank Branches Style – Open Style
Advantages of Open Styled Branches Open – more friendly environment Office, cheaper style of furniture NO security glasses, or barriers NO heavy, expensive safes Cheaper solution It is time for the most effective solution: EuroMulti Security Units
EuroMulti – NEW concept of security
What is EuroMulti ? Security units for protection during working hours Steel boxes for coins, banknotes, checks, cards, passports and other valuables Provides smart security Ensures the most effective protection in bank branches
EuroMulti Model Versions EuroMulti EuroMulti Midi EuroMulti Mini EuroMulti Simple EuroMulti Midi Simple EuroMulti Mini Simple Simple means simplified – button operating version
EuroMulti Security Units EuroMulti Model Sizes and Footprints
EuroMulti Model Dimensions
EuroMulti Operating By keypad Display with text instructions to follow 12 language options Many SW functions
EuroMulti Units - Gallery You can create hundreds module combinations and EuroMulti sizes – Midi, Mini, Piccolo,...
EuroMulti Units - Gallery
EuroMulti Simple Operating Operating by buttons Easy to use LED indicator Reliable and simple Reasonable price Silent alarm Blocking system
EuroMulti Simple Units - Gallery
Reference list Tunis Morocco Jordan Bahrain Oman Syria Iraq Kuwait UAE Germany Taiwan Russia Thailand China Ukraine South Africa Benin Greece Turkey Bulgaria Croatia Serbia Romania Lithuania Tanzania Sweden Holland Belgium Iceland Slovakia Czech republic Poland Hungary YOU ?.....