EU-OSHA’s Draft Annual Management Plan 2013


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Presentation transcript:

EU-OSHA’s Draft Annual Management Plan 2013 18th Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Safety and Health at Work Christa Sedlatschek Director Luxembourg, 21 June 2012

Framework Draft management plan based on expectation of reduced resources A certain amount of flexibility is needed as the next EU-OSHA Strategy and the future EU policy are still in preparation Current draft based mainly on 2009-2013 EU –OSHA Strategy Final version will have to take into account activity on older workers

Networking and Coordination Better and more regular communication with focal points Increased presence in Member States Start piloting portfolio approach Better communication with Governing Board – including meetings in Member States

European Risk Observatory Further development of foresight techniques to anticipate new and emerging risks Research-based materials to support the Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2014-15. Practical solutions for psychosocial risks Collect and analyse information on both the economic costs of ‘poor OSH’ at enterprise level, and the benefits that investment in OSH brings to enterprises. Dissemination activities: seminars with stakeholders & experts, articles, participation in events, social media activities, etc. Dissemination of the results of the ESENER further analyses commissioned by the Agency in 2012. Preparations for a second wave of data collection: ESENER-2. Dissemination and follow-up of the 2012 report on OSH research priorities in the EU. Forum on fostering research coordination (liaison with PEROSH and New OSH ERA) In 2005 EU-OSHA published priorities for OSH research in the EU-25 and this is in the process of being updated. We have just received a first draft of the report and it needs to go through a full consultation procedure, but I thought that you would be interested to hear some of the issues that are being highlighted. Through this examination of research priorities we are ensuring that the strategic approaches to OSH are as far as possible linked to OSH research and concerns. The seminar on OSH research priorities was held on 9-10 May in Paris. It is part of the project aimed at defining OSH research priorities for the years 2013-20, and it is expected to provide input to the report by involving a broad range of stakeholders – such as PEROSH, former NEW OSH ERA members, FOPs, social partners, ILO, WHO - in the discussions. The seminar included four sessions dedicated to four thematic areas of the report: New technologies: new hazards and new prevention means Exposure to new or increasingly used hazardous substances and products Globalisation and changing world of work Demographic change – sustainable work The idea is to link OSH research priorities to EU2020 strategic goals. In the current climate of the economic and financial crisis, where in many countries the resources for OSH are being cut, we need to focus our resources in terms of better coordination of OSH research, and we need to prove that OSH research can contribute to achieving the goals set by EU2020 strategy.  

Working Environment Information Information products to support the 2014-15 campaign on psychosocial issues. Based on (2012) consultation with the Agency’s focal points and Advisory Groups Good practice information on two key topics (aimed particularly at SMEs) Healthier and longer working lives: measures and tools to preserve workers’ health and skills throughout their working carrier; adapting workplaces to the functional capacities and health status of older workers; Case studies to illustrate the economic costs of ‘poor OSH’ at enterprise level, and the evidence for the financial benefits that investment in OSH brings to enterprises Review and update of existing information: priority for requests from stakeholders, particularly the European Commission, to support their activities Develop, update and disseminate more OiRA tools created by national authorities and EU and national sectoral social partners. Encourage uptake of tools by MSEs

Campaigning, communication and promotion 2012-2013 Healthy Workplaces Campaign Working together for risk prevention – Year 2 Good Practice Awards Scheme results (April) Healthy Workplace Campaign summit (November) Communication Online strategy validation and implementation Awareness raising – competitions / awards Communication partnerships Opinion poll fieldwork

Campaigning, communication and promotion Promotion of new corporate strategy OSHwiki – community building – public launch OiRA – community building – promotion of tools Information projects – including foresight, ESENER, macroeconomic costs of OSH Napo – films and teachers’ toolkit OSHwiki Development in two stages: 1. Creation of a critical mass of information: Articles commissioned through EU-OSHA contractors + Collaboration with OSHA/NIOSH 2. Launch and open up the OSHwiki to ‘approved authors’ in 2013 Experts nominated by National Focal Points, EU networks (PEROSH, NEW OSH ERA, ETPIS, etc.), professional & scientific bodies, the Agency’s international partners (ILO, WHO, NIOSH, etc.) OiRA Member States involved: 12 BU: Planning - 30 sectors; CY: Hairdressing, Car repair, working in offices, woodworking EL: Butchers ; SK: On hold ; CZ: Hairdressing BE: Hairdressing, Generic ; FR: Road transport; SE: Hairdressing SI: Working in offices; FI: FiOH – Testing; LT: First steps; LV: First steps; 2 EU partners involved: EU leather and tanning sector; EU private Security sector Preliminary contacts: Spain (Catalunya, Taxi driver’s Association); Finland (FIOH); Germany; Malta

Thank you!

Amendment to AMP 2012 There is a need to amend the Agency’s 2012 management plan and budget to provide a mandate for signing an agreement with the Commission to implement a project on health and safety for older workers. Project has to be developed within the limits of the European Parliament’s decision. Advisory Committee provided with project outline and invited to provide comments to be taken into account by the Agency’s Governing Board when adopting the amendment. The amendment will also provide for the implementation of an opinion poll survey in 2012.

Thank you!