Title: Stereotyping LO: To understand different types of stereotyping STARTER: THIS PICTURE SHOWS A STEREOTYPICAL FRENCH MAN DO YOU THINK ALL FRENCH PEOPLE ARE LIKE THIS? WHY? I think most French people are/are not like this because…
Stereotypes When we make an assumption about a whole group of people this is a stereotype http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18cRPnOdQHU&feature=fvst What stereotypes are there in this film?
Categorizing Watch the following clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ_qXmxdgGM Think of as many categories of people that you get in school
5 Categories in school 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Every table will have a different group/category On the post its write down as many adjectives as you can which would describe them
Do the adjectives on these pieces of paper apply to everyone who might be considered part of this group?
In your groups You should create a role play which demonstrates a stereotype that people make about a group of people 3 people should be involved in the role play 1 person should be able to explain why you have chosen the topic you have and the effects this stereotyping might have on a person
Finish off this sentence Stereotyping is… Stereotyping could make people feel… An example of this could be…