Facilitator Networking Day Tiered Fidelity Inventory September 8, 2016
Agenda Reminder about Independent Facilitator status at advanced tiers for SW Review purpose and rationales for use of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Review content of the TFI Activity – Next steps in use, including recognition process
Independent Facilitator for Advanced Tiers For Facilitators who are already independent at Tier One Complete Facilitator Checklist, while supporting your schools and districts in their implementation of advanced tiers
Independent Facilitator Checklist >70% attendance at State-sponsored networking opportunities, including SWF meetings, coaching meetings, and Implementer’s Forum Complete Tiered Fidelity Inventory with building level Tier II/Tier III systems team
Independent Facilitator Checklist Letter of support from building principal where your facilitation experience was completed Participate in training to be certified as a CICO SWIS facilitator, when available Submission of at least three of five permanent products
Permanent Products Written description of the continuum of supports included as part of advanced tiers implementation (CICO, SAIG, individual features such as mentoring) Documentation of screening/data decision rules for student entry into advanced tiered support, including student/family/teacher nomination process
Permanent Products Copy of meeting minutes for either Tier II and or Tier III system team meeting Copy of fidelity and/or outcome data from advanced tiers, including decision rules for monitoring, modifying, and/or discontinuing an intervention
Permanent Products Copy of an annual action plan from an advanced tier system team *Submit these to your PaTTAN Representative
Tiered Fidelity Inventory Created to provide ONE efficient, valid, and reliable tool that can be used over time to be used: At baseline by a school who is interested in getting started with PBIS As a guide for implementation of Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III practices As a tool for sustained implementation As a metric for identifying schools for recognition
Purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory The purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is to provide an efficient and valid index of the extent to which PBIS core features are in place within a school. Tier I (Universal PBIS) Whole School Universal Prevention Tier II (Targeted PBIS) Secondary, Small Group Prevention Tier III (Intensive PBIS) Tertiary, Individual Support Prevention
Fit with Existing Assessment Instruments The School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is intended to fulfill the same functions as the: Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Benchmarks of Advanced Tiers (BAT) PBIS Self-Assessment Inventory (SAS) Phases of Implementation (POI) The TFI addresses all three tiers, and focuses on those elements of PBIS that are most “core” to achieving student outcomes. There is no problem continuing to use prior measures. The TFI is intended to be more efficient, but other measures may be more comprehensive, and will remain available. Note: At this time SET, ISSET and BoQ remain the preferred research-quality fidelity measures The TFI will fulfill the same function as the BOQ and BAT- one instrument focus on core across ALL tiers no problem to continue to use prior measures CAUTION: ISF components will not be measured- only used to guide action planning
SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is a Self-Assessment Primary purpose of the instrument is to help school teams improve Primary audience for instrument results is the team, faculty, families and administrators of the school. Effective use of the instrument requires multiple administrations (progress monitoring) Primary purpose- help school team improve implementation of PBIS- how do we help them see benefit of the tool? helps to provide step by step guide
Uses of the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory Formative Assessment Determine current PBIS practices in place and needed prior to launching implementation Progress monitoring Self-assess PBIS practices by tier to guide implementation efforts, and assess progress by tier Build action plan to focus implementation efforts Annual Self-Assessment Self-assess annually to facilitate sustained implementation of PBIS State Recognition Determine schools warranting recognition for their fidelity of PBIS implementation. multiple uses of the TFI What is your current recognition system in your state/region? How would changing the tool impact recognition?
Administration Protocol School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is completed by a school team with a PBIS coach/facilitator. Before Inventory Assessment: Define schedule, personnel, review existing fidelity and impact data, and obtain relevant permanent products. Conduct a building walkthrough to identify data related to the school-wide acknowledgement system. During Inventory Assessment: For each item, review purpose, data sources, and standard. All team members vote to whether the item is not implemented, partially implemented, or fully implemented. The majority vote is recorded following an opportunity for discussion. Data are recorded on pbis.assessment.org After Inventory Assessment: At least one item is identified for active action planning to improve or sustain implementation. Protocol – completed by a team with a PBIS coach….always used as guide for action planning
Possible Pre-Administration Documentation Tier I School team organizational chart (if available) School/ District policies on social behavior/support Team meeting minutes (last 3 meetings) Student handbook Professional development plan for past year Prior PBIS fidelity measures (last two years) Student behavioral data summary for past month Major ODR/Day/Month compared to the national median Universal screening measures and process Any prior evaluation reports focused on social behavior Any reports to school administration or board focused on social behavior
Possible Pre-Administration Documentation Tier II Tier II team meeting minutes (last two) Rubric for selecting students for Tier II support Tier II strategy handbooks, or procedures (i.e., CICO) Available Tier II data summaries (if possible for 2 months) Family communication systems Most recent fidelity measures for Tier II strategies
Possible Pre-Administration Documentation Tier III Tier III team meeting minutes (last two meetings) Decision rules for selecting students for Tier III Assessment tools for Tier III (i.e., functional behavioral assessment, mental health, medical records, etc.) Three student support plans (randomly selected) Tier III data summary (last two reports)
Quick Check: Feature Name Reflective question to focus the conversation? Self-Assessment Question Documentation Process Product Data Scoring 0 = descriptors of the feature not being implemented 1 = descriptors of the feature being partially implemented 2 = descriptors of the feature being fully implemented Reflective question as part of the focus. To what extent does everyone know, how have we formalized? What documentation or evidence do we have that “it” is in place?
Tier II System Structures Need to develop a structure…and here is how you do it….
Items from the TFI for consideration Team Composition Member who is the coordinator Member with applied behavioral expertise Member with administrative authority Member with knowledge of students Member with knowledge about operation of school across grade levels and programs All members actively participate in team meetings and take notes
Items from the TFI for consideration Team Operating Procedures Tier II Team meets at least monthly and uses regular meeting format/agenda minutes defined roles AND has a current action plan
Items from the TFI for consideration Screening “The Tier II Team uses decision rules and multiple sources of data (e.g., ODRs, academic progress, screening tools, attendance, teacher/family/student nominations) to identify students who require Tier II supports.”
10 Critical Features for Tier II Interventions Linked directly to school-wide expectations and/or academic goals Continuously available for student participation Implemented within 3 school days of determination that the student should receive the intervention Can be modified based on assessment and/or outcome data 5. Includes structured prompts for ‘what to do’ in relevant situations *Continuously available for student participation Each student’s participation should be time-limited. Ex. After 6 weeks, either exit from intervention or progress to higher level intervention. *Implemented within 3 school days of determination that the student should receive the intervention Youth can enter intervention at point of identification. No waiting for the ‘beginning’ of a group. Each session is a stand-alone behavioral lesson. *Can be modified based on assessment/outcome data Limit modifying actual intervention for individual students unless youth is at ‘individualized’ level of support *All staff are informed of the details of the interventions Individual Student Systems Evaluation Tool version 2.0 Anderson, Lewis-Palmer, Todd, Horner, Sugai, & Sampson
10 Critical Features Results in student receiving positive feedback from staff Includes a school-home communication exchange system at least weekly Orientation materials provide information for a student to get started on the intervention Orientation materials provide information for staff/ substitutes/ volunteers who have students using the intervention 10. Opportunities to practice new skills are provided daily Individual Student Systems Evaluation Tool version 2.0 Anderson, Lewis-Palmer, Todd, Horner, Sugai, & Sampson
Items from the TFI for consideration Request for Assistance “The Tier II planning team uses written request for assistance form and process that are timely and available to all staff, families, and students” Policy Handbooks Form available – everyone “in the know”
3-Tiered System of Support Necessary Conversations (Teams) Universal Team Secondary Systems Team Problem Solving Team Tertiary Systems Team Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Uses Process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Plans SW & Class-wide supports Standing team; uses FBA/BIP process for one youth at a time CICO Universal Support Teaming structure: who is on the team? What do they do? What do they discuss? What is the FUNCTION/Purpose of the team Universal- general ed teachers- not talking about indiv students- talking about groups of students- supported by everyone- it is about teaching and celebration Tier II- secondary 2 Functions of tier II team (same people with additions??) Don’t BLEND functions of meetings – separate functions Secondary systems (agenda) - progress monitoring of CICO and academic interventions. This is not child specific- you are addressing intervention as a whole. (ALL students doing poorly…it is the implementation of the system) Team could identify student s who may require individualized “tweaks” (Move into the problem solving process) Example- 2 people are monitoring CICO, meet and review data, make tweaks as needed…report data to systems team…may see an implementation problems, i.e. teachers providing feedback when completing the CICO card. Problem solving (agenda)- this is student specific- include people working with that student- should include their parent. Team will look at students who are not making progress in CICO with enhanced support, SAIG, Group with Indiv features, need Brief FBA 3. Tertiary Systems Team- progress monitoring of ALL students who are receiving a complex BIP /Wraparound. What percentage of kids receiving an intervention at this tier are making progress?. Again- not problem solving around individual students. How are kids responding to their plan? What is the system feature that we should work on to make the intervention more effective? (i.e. scheduling of supports not effective/ availability of staff) Indiv student Problem Solving team: There needs to be clinical expertise on the team to drive the development of Indiv. Support plans. The voice of reality on the team…”the general education teacher” Who is the most likely person on the team to engage the family, student and student’s teachers in the plan? Who are community partners who need to be a part of the team? Brief FBA/BIP SAIG Complex FBA/BIP WRAP Group w. individual feature Brief FBA/BIP 27 27
School-Wide Systems for Student Success: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model: SUPPORTS Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions 1-5% _____________________ 1-5% Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions ___________________________ Tier 2/Secondary Interventions 5-15% ___________________________ 5-15% Tier 2/Secondary Interventions ____________________________ As part of the discussion, remind them that a system means something is available at each tier- and that the tiers are interdependent in the system— i.e., secondary systems will be less effective without a strong universal system! Basic purpose of tier one is to prevent new problem behaviors from occurring; tier two is to reduce the frequency of problem behaviors; and tier three is to reduce the intensity of problem behaviors Tier 1/Universal Interventions80-90% ________________________ 80-90% Tier 1/Universal Interventions ____________________________ Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008. Adapted from “What is school-wide PBS?” OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at http://pbis.org/school-wide.htm 28
Tier II Interventions
Items from the TFI for consideration Options for Tier II Interventions “The Tier II team has multiple ongoing behavior support interventions with documented evidence of effectiveness matched to student need.” Some type of documentation of “menu” or continuum of interventions/practices available
Items from the TFI for consideration Tier II Critical Features: Additional instruction/time for student skill development Additional structure/predictability Increased opportunity for feedback (such as from a daily progress report
Items from TFI for consideration Practices matched to students need: “a formal process in place to select Tier II interventions that are Matched to student need (behavioral function) AND Adapted to improve contextual fit (culture, developmental level, etc.) Access to Tier I supports: “Tier II supports are explicitly linked to Tier I supports, and students receiving Tier II supports have access to, and are included in, Tier I supports
Items from the TFI for consideration Professional development “A written process is used to teach and coach all relevant staff in all aspects of intervention delivery, including request for assistance process, using progress report as an instructional prompt, delivering feedback, and monitoring student progress.”
Items from the TFI for consideration Level of use: “The team defines criteria and tracks proportion, with at least 5% of students receiving Tier II supports.” Student performance data: “Student data (% of students being successful) monitored and used at least monthly, with data decision rules established to alter support, and shared with stakeholders.”
Items from the TFI for consideration Fidelity data: “periodic, direct assessments of fidelity collected by Tier II team for all Tier II interventions.” Annual evaluation: Tier II team assesses overall effectiveness and efficiency of strategies, including: Data-decision rules to identify students Range of interventions available Fidelity of implementation Ongoing support to implementers Evaluations are shared with staff and district leadership
Tier III Systems
Items from the TFI for consideration Tier III systems planning team (or combined Tier II/Tier III team) includes: A Tier III systems coordinator Individuals who can provide – Applied behavioral expertise Administrative authority Multi-agency supports expertise (person centered planning, wraparound, RENEW, etc.) Knowledge of students Knowledge about the operations of the school across grade levels and programs Attendance at meetings above 80%
Items from the TFI for consideration Team operating procedures: Tier III team meets at least monthly and has Regular meeting format/agenda Minutes Defined meeting roles A current action plan
Items from the TFI for consideration Screening: Tier III team has – Written data decision rules used with multiple data sources for identifying students who qualify for Tier III supports Evidence the policy/rubric includes options for teacher/family/student nominations
Tier III Interventions
Items from the TFI for consideration Student support team: “for each individual student support plan, a uniquely constructed team exists (with input/approval from student/family about who is on the team) to design, implement, monitor, and adapt the student-specific support plan.”
Items from the TFI for consideration Staffing: Personnel are assigned to facilitate individualized plans for all students enrolled in Tier III supports Student/Family/Community Involvement: District contact person established with external agencies AND resources are available and documented in support plans Professional Development: A written process is used to teach and coach all relevant staff in basic behavioral theory, function of behavior, and function based intervention
Items from the TFI for consideration Quality of Life indicators: All BIPs document strengths and quality of life needs and related goals defined by student/family Academic, Social, and Physical indicators: All BIPs include medical, mental health information, and complete academic data where appropriate
Items from the TFI for consideration Hypothesis Statement: All BIPs include a hypothesis statement that have all three components – Operational description of problem behavior Identification of context where problem behavior is most likely Maintaining reinforces (behavioral function) in this context
Items from the TFI for consideration Comprehensive Support: BIPs include or consider Prevention strategies Teaching strategies Strategies for removing rewards for problem behavior Specific rewards for desired behavior Safety elements where needed A systematic process for assessing fidelity and impact The action plan for putting the support plan in place
Items from the TFI for consideration Formal and Natural Supports: BIPs include specific actions, linked logically to the quality of life needs and they include natural supports. Access to Tier I and Tier II Supports: Students receiving Tier III support have access to, and are included in, available Tier I and Tier II supports
Items from the TFI for consideration Data System: Data are collected on student outcomes AND fidelity and are reported to staff at least monthly for all plans. Data-based Decision Making Each student’s individual support team continuously monitors data and review plan at least monthly, using both fidelity and outcomes data for decision making
Items from the TFI for consideration Level of Use: All students requiring Tier II supports (at least 1% of students) have plans Annual Evaluation: The Tier III systems team assesses the extent to which Tier III supports are meeting the needs of students, families, and school personnel Evaluations are used to guide action planning
Lunch Break After lunch – activity 45 minutes Tier two (11 min) Report out and discussion (11 min) Tier three (11 min)
Recognition Process 2016-2017
The Process: First time applicants for 2016-2017 school year Universal (Tier One) Initial Implementation with Fidelity: Completed a Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) in Spring of 2016 with their Network Facilitator and earned a score of 70% or above. Complete the Pa PBS Network Recognition Electronic Application and submit via email to swpbis@pattan.net by November 2, 2016 The SW or PW Site MUST provide their Network Facilitator with their 2015-2016 Annual Data. Between January and March 2017, a Regional PBIS Facilitator will contact the Local Facilitator and the Building Contact as listed on the application to schedule a PreSET or SET to be completed. The SW or PW site must earn an “80/80” score* to show implementation fidelity. *80% or higher for “Behavioral Expectations Taught” and 80% or higher for “Overall Mean”. BoQ score, Annual Data and PreSET/SET data must be documented* by March 31, 2017 *SW site: PBIS apps and pTrack *PW site: Pa PBS Data Requirement Document
The Process: Sustaining applicants for 2016-2017 school year Option One: Universal (Tier One) Sustained Implementation with Fidelity For Sites that have received recognition for implementation with fidelity at the Universal (Tier One) for the 2015-2016 school year. Complete the Pa PBS Network Recognition Electronic Application and submit via email to swpbis@pattan.net by November 2, 2016. The SW or PW Site MUST provide their Network Facilitator with their 2015-2016 Annual Data. Complete a Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) with their Network Facilitator in Spring of 2017 and earn a score of 80% or above. Annual Data and BoQ scores must be documented* by April 21, 2017 *SW site: PBIS apps and pTrack *PW site: Pa PBS Data Requirement Document
The Process: Sustaining applicants for 2016-2017 school year Option Two: Universal and Tier Two Implementation with Fidelity For Sites that have received recognition for implementation with fidelity at the Universal (Tier One) for the 2015-2016 school year. Complete the Pa PBS Network Recognition Electronic Application and submit via email to swpbis@pattan.net by November 2, 2016. The SW or PW Site MUST provide their Network Facilitator with their 2015-2016 Annual Data. Complete a Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) with their Network Facilitator in Spring of 2017 and earn a score of 80% or above. Complete the Tier II section of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) with their Network Facilitator and earn a score of 80% or above. Annual Data, BoQ and TFI scores, and Walkthrough must be documented* by April 21, 2017 *SW site: PBIS apps and pTrack *PW site: Pa PBS Data Requirement Document
The Process: Sustaining applicants for 2016-2017 school year Option Three: Implementation with Fidelity at All Three Tiers For Sites that have received recognition for implementation with fidelity at the Universal (Tier One) for the 2015-2016 school year. Complete the Pa PBS Network Recognition Electronic Application and submit via email to swpbis@pattan.net by November 2, 2016. The SW or PW Site MUST provide their Network Facilitator with their 2015-2016 Annual Data. Complete a Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) with their Network Facilitator in Spring of 2017 and earn a score of 80% or above. Complete the Tier II and Tier III sections of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) with their Network Facilitator and earn a score of 80% or above in each section. Annual Data, BoQ and TFI scores, and Walkthrough must be documented* by April 21, 2017 *SW site: PBIS apps and pTrack. *PW site: Pa PBS Data Requirement Document.
Recognition at the 2017 Pa PBS Implementers’ Forum: May 16 and 17, 2017 at the Hershey Lodge Sites are publicly recognized at the Forum Sites are individually recognized Universal (Tier One) Initial Implementation receive a BANNER Universal (Tier One) Sustained receive a BADGE for their banner Universal and Tier Two receive a BADGE for their banner Implementation at All Three Tiers receive a BADGE for their banner
Implementing Tier 1 Sustaining Tier 1 Sustaining Tier 1 Implementing Tier 2 Sustaining Tier 1 Implementing Tier 2 and 3 BoQ from Spring 2016- score 70% or above Earned a Banner or Badge Spring 2016 Earned a Banner or Badge Spring 2016 Earned a Banner or Badge Spring 2016 Annual Data 2015-2016 SY Annual Data 2015-2016 SY Annual Data 2015-2016 SY Annual Data 2015-2016 SY Submit application By Nov. 2, 2016 Submit application By Nov. 2, 2016 Submit application By Nov. 2, 2016 Submit application By Nov. 2, 2016 Complete BoQ Spring 2017- Score 80% above Complete BoQ Spring 2017- Score 80% above Complete PreSET or SET Spring 2017-Score 80/80 or above Complete BoQ Spring 2017-Score 80% above Complete Tier II section of TFI- score 80% or above Complete Tier II and Tier III sections of TFI- score 80% or above Complete walkthrough Complete walkthrough Data and Scores due April 21, 2017 Data and Scores due March 31, 2017 Data and Scores due April 21, 2017 Data and Scores due April 21, 2017
Thank you!