Environmental goods and services sector Eurostat Unit E2 Environmental accounts and climate change
Overview Introduction Progress made since the meeting of the WG 2012 2013 EGSS questionnaire activities related to EGSS in other Commission services Further actions for 2013 in the area Questions
Introduction 2009: 2010 – WG decided on a biennial data collection EGSS handbook and workshop pilot data collection: 10 countries replied with data (DE, SE, AT, BE, LV,NL, NO, PT, RO and FR.) 2010 – WG decided on a biennial data collection 2011 -first official collection launched response rate of 2011 data collection: 12 Member States (FR, SE, RO, FI, DE, LV, CZ, LT, ES, AT, NL, IT); 2013: 7 February – ESS committee expressed positive opinion on the proposal for amending Regulation 691/2011: to include EGSS data collection launched on 28 February
Progress made since the meeting of the WG 2012 ESMS Statistics explained article
Progress made since the meeting of the WG 2012 2013 data collection: update of the EGSS list
Progress made since the meeting of the WG 2012 - 2013 data collection - basic data validation tools developed in the Excel questionnaire
Progress made since the meeting of the WG 2012 Simplification of the questionnaire and instructions bringing closer to the structure of the future EGSS module for the Regulation 691/2011 table ‘Output - details’ deleted requested breakdown for exports modified from a CPA to a NACE breakdown unit of measure prefilled ‘not applicable’ sign (‘-‘) prefilled for cells where no environmental product is likely to be reported
Progress made since the meeting of the WG 2012 A*64 for E36 More detailed level than A*64 for E 37-39 Simplification of the requested NACE breakdown - mainly A*21 A*38 for M72 and M73-75 A*64 for M69-71
Progress made since the meeting of the WG 2012 Activities in other Commission services related to EGSS: DG Environment - different studies to provide an estimation of the market (market size, employment, export potential, etc.) for ecoindustry: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/enveco/jobs/index.htm Different consultants use different methodologies - the figures of successive studies are not strictly comparable key source to estimate market size and employment: environmental protection expenditure data from Eurostat other Eurostat data (e.g. on the recycling industry)
Progress made since the meeting of the WG 2012 International Labour Organisation (November 2012): technical expert group to discuss possibilities for moving towards a statistical definition of green jobs: different aspects of "green" jobs and the "green“ economy which need to be kept apart: green occupations - does not measure all green (environmental) jobs jobs in green industries jobs generated by green policies draft report - tackles the conceptual and measurement framework for defining and identifying green jobs key element - define 'green jobs' in relation to the SEEA 2012 central framework's definition of environmental activities
Further activities for 2013 in the area Data validation for 2013 data collection– to start in July 2013 Advance of the EGSS legal module: Improve the EGSS questionnaire and list; update of the EGSS handbook Clarify methodological issues related to EGSS Design and implementation of estimation procedures for EU aggregates development of gap filling methods for the EGSS variables estimate the EU aggregates: data transmitted by countries information from other statistical domains (national accounts, structural business statistics and JQ-EPER) EGSS course 6-7 June 2013 - deadline for applications 5 April 2013 Next data collection: 2015 As of 2017, annual data collection
Delegates are kindly requested to express their opinion on Further activities for 2013, in particular related to: Improvement of the EGSS questionnaire and list Clarification of methodological issues related to EGSS Update of the EGSS handbook Development of gap filling methods for the EGSS variables