Pillar: cooperation AND teamwork LEARNING TARGET: I CAN collaborate with others to achieve a COMMON GOAL.
Card Game Challenge During today’s challenge, there will be times when you may be confused or not know what you are supposed to do. That is normal, but remember to use your cooperation skills that you have learned to help you problem solve and accomplish the task.
Divide class into two groups and set timer for 18 minutes Count off: 1-2-1-2-1-2…and divide Roundup class into two groups (There must be 10 kids in each group for the card game…teacher and parapros might have to fill in!) Remember the strengths that you identified about yourself on your Power Card and use them today! Leftover students can observe, encourage, speculate, etc. Pass out cards and roles for today’s Card Game Challenge. Set timer for 18 minutes and begin!
discuss and debrief Guided discussion: As a whole class share your thoughts, observations, experiences: Confusion? Excitement? Frustration? Anything else?
Pillar: cooperation Think about how you had to cooperate with others to achieve a COMMON GOAL during today’s group activity. Sometimes we are not even sure WHAT our goal may be…but COOPERATION and TEAMWORK and TRUST were still necessary. Reflect on how you can apply the Pillar of Cooperation everyday…at school, at home and in the community.