Mendel Law Exceptions and Sex Linkage Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to info essential to life processes.
Essential Knowledge 3A4: The inheritance pattern of many traits cannot be explained by simple Mendelian genetics.
Cross white roses (WW) with red roses (RR) Pink roses (RW)! Incomplete Dominance Cross white roses (WW) with red roses (RR) Pink roses (RW)! Heterozygous offspring are in b/t the 2 homozygous phenotypes. BLENDING!
Codominance A condition in which both alleles show up in phenotype. Neither allele is recessive.
Codominance: Piebald Black-Pastel Ball Python
Traits that are controlled by 2 or more genes. Polygenic Traits Traits that are controlled by 2 or more genes. Ex: skin/eye color in humans controlled by > 4 genes Creates wide range of trait
Multiple Alleles Some genes have more than 2 alleles. Ex: Blood type: 4 phenotypes: A, B, AB, O Alleles: i, iA, or iB But, still only get 2 copies of allele, from mom and dad!
(a) The three alleles for the ABO blood groups Fig. 14-11 Allele Carbohydrate IA A IB B i none (a) The three alleles for the ABO blood groups and their associated carbohydrates Red blood cell appearance Phenotype (blood group) Genotype IAIA or IA i A IBIB or IB i B Figure 14.11 Multiple alleles for the ABO blood groups IAIB AB ii O (b) Blood group genotypes and phenotypes
Gene Linkage Genes for traits can be inherited together linked. Each chromosome is actually a group of linked genes.
Can you tell which traits are linked?
Determination of Sex Girls: XX (homologous sex chroms) X Boys: XY (non-homol. sex chroms) Only ends of Y have regions homologous to X X Y
Found on sex chroms, mainly X (contains more DNA). Sex Linked Genes Found on sex chroms, mainly X (contains more DNA). Easy to spot b/c many males will have trait XY..if trait is on X, no competition on Y (less DNA)
Fruit Fly Genetics! Good for genetic studies (Drosophila melanogaster: breed at a high rate A generation can be bred every 2 weeks Only have 4 pairs of chromosomes Morgan, an embryologist did many studies with these to locate genes on chromosomes
Wild type = normal phenotype Traits alternative to wild type: mutant phenotypes
Some Traits are Sex Limited and Expression Depends on Sex of Individual
Some Traits Result from Nonnuclear Inheritance Ex: Chloroplasts and mitochondria are randomly assorted to gametes and daughter cells
In Animals… Mitochondrial DNA is passed on by egg, not sperm inherit mitochondria traits from mom.
Let’s do a Problem!
Sex Linked Fruit Fly Sample Probs and Lab