2018 Annual Fall Curriculum Information Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

2018 Annual Fall Curriculum Information Meeting

Agenda Announcements SmartCatalog – Bulletin Editor 2018/2019 Curriculum Calendar Electronic Curriculum System Upgrade New Guide: Electronic Curriculum System Best Practices Resources Questions?

Announcements Welcome Back! Introductions Mike Carson, Director of Curriculum and Assessment (7714) Jill Noch, Administrative Aide, Office of Academic Senate (3350) Laura McGuire, University Bulletin & Minutes Editor (1590) Keith Malkowski, Registrar (7226) Amy Faber, Associate Registrar (7255) Rich Forest, General Education Director (7217) Senate Review Committee Chairpersons Tony Morelli, General Education Committee (3774) Roschelle Heuberger, Graduate Committee (3571) Lisa Gandy, Professional Education Curriculum Committee (3774) Yeonsoo Kim, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (3438)

2018/2019 Curriculum Dates Summer 2019 Implementation: all proposal objection periods must end on or before December 14, 2018. Fall 2019 Implementation: Course Changes: all objections periods must end by March 1,2019. Undergraduate Program Changes: all objection periods must end on or before March 31, 2019. See curriculum calendar for deadlines of meeting minutes. Graduate Program Changes: all objection periods must end on or before May 3, 2019. Spring 2020 Implementation: all objection periods must end on or before September 9, 2019. See curriculum calendar for deadlines of meeting minutes.

2018/2019 Curriculum Calendar All Program Changes (pink form) and Course Deletions must have a fall implementation date so it will be less confusing for students and advisors. Also, a Fall implementation allows the printed Bulletins to remain consistent with the online Bulletins. Program Deletions, New Programs, and Course Changes will follow the attached table for Implementation Dates (Hand Out). Explanation of “Immediate Effect” Departments should consider carefully when they want curricular changes to be in effect. The date of effect must be the semester after the date when the Academic Senate or the final curricular authority approves or publishes an item, not the date when a proposal leaves the department or the college curricular body.   The actual date of effect will be the earliest desired by the originating unit, given the constraints under which the Office of the Registrar must operate. Approved changes in courses or programs for one semester cannot be implemented the next semester if the class schedule for that semester has already been published.

Curriculum System Upgrades 2018/2019 Deleting Documents – users now have the capability to delete documents that were mistakenly uploaded (i.e. Gen Ed, MCS, Blue Form Narrative/Budget, etc. Language Revision: users MUST contact any departments affected by the changes (all forms). Curriculum committees may hold approvals until initiators contact departments deemed affected by the changes. Initiators must be aware of this change to avoid any delays in approvals. Returned Proposals: Streamline workflow in system. Proposals Approved with Edits: Streamline workflow in systems to address minor edits.

Curriculum System Upgrades Implementation of Upgrades: Spring 2018 to determine functionality. RATIONALE: December 12, 2013 – Senate Time-Limited Taskforce Final Report Recommendations: provide a means to quickly address trivial copy-editing issues prior to submitting proposals to committees (i.e. hire an editor). 2015 Course-Level Rationale Discussion: During several meetings with Senate Curriculum Review Committees (UCC, Gen Ed, PECC, and Grad Committee) and College Curriculum Committees regarding the course rationale guide, many of the members requested a process to increase efficiency regarding the approved with edits feature. May 6, 2016, Curriculum and Coffee: (SRC Chairs/Secretaries, CCC Chairs/Secretaries) approved with edits should not have to go all the way back to the initiators. This greatly slows down the process. September 8, 2017 - 2017/2018 Annual Fall Curriculum Information Meeting: During the meeting, committee members proposed a revision to the curriculum system. Overwhelmingly, the attendees agreed to speed up the process by modifying the approved with edits workflow within the system.

Curriculum System Upgrades Returns: proposals returned to the initiator are directly routed back to the initiator. Previous Workflow Senate Curriculum Committee College Curriculum Committee Department Chairperson/ Curriculum Committee Initiator Senate Curriculum Committee *Must show reapproved in minutes College Curriculum Committee *Must show reapproved in minutes Department Chairperson/ Curriculum Committee

Curriculum System Upgrades Workflow after Upgrade Senate Curriculum Committee Initiator Senate Curriculum Committee *Must show in approved minutes College Curriculum Committee *Must show in approved minutes Department Chairperson/ Curriculum Committee This upgrade will eliminate 2 approval levels contributed to a 15-20 day delay. The re-submission process remains the same.

Curriculum System Upgrades Approved with Edits workflow prior to upgrades: Senate Curriculum Committee (SRC) Approves with Edits, Designated Approver must click “Approved with Edits” Button College Curriculum Committee must click “Approved with Edits” Button Department must click “Approved with Edits” Button Department must click “Approved” Button Initiator must make the edits and then click “Submit” Button College Curriculum Committee must click “Approved” Button 14 Day Objection Period or Senate Approval. Initiator has opportunity to object. SRC must click “Approved” Button

Curriculum System Upgrades Approved with Edits workflow after upgrades: System generated e-mail is sent to all approvers Senate Review Committee (SRC) Approves with Edits, Designated Approver must click “Approved with Edits” button after minutes are officially approved. 14 Day Objection Period or Senate Approval. Initiator has opportunity to object.

Curriculum System Upgrades Managing Approved with Edits Objections: Initiators must track approved with edits via system generated e-mails or within the system. If the Initiator does not agree with the edits, they have an opportunity to object during the 14 day objection period. This option has been in place since the inception of the system. Enhanced Communication: As a best practice, committee members should act as liaisons communicating edits to colleagues in departments and colleges (i.e. Science and Engineering College Curriculum Committee). Chairpersons and committee members who are not sure what qualifies for minor or substantial changes should refer to the Best Practices guide on the curriculum website or contact the Initiator for further information. Accuracy of Edits: The designated person taking minutes may choose to partner with a committee member to ensure edits are correctly transferred to the proposal forms.

Curriculum System Upgrades Managing Approved with Edits 4. Recommended Minutes Process: Document edits (electronically) at the bottom of the agenda under the heading “Other”. This will allow ease of transferring information to the draft minutes document. Consider having the meeting recorded if necessary to capture all edits. Draft and submit unofficial minutes to the Bulletin Editor (turnaround time is typically 48 hours). Compile all edits (including corrections from Bulletin Editor). Committee approves minutes and submits minutes to Senate Office. Senate Office sends notice to committee of minutes officially posted. Edits are transferred to the curriculum proposal and submitted in the electronic curriculum system as “Approved with Edits”. Proposal moves to the next approving level or enters 14 day objection period.

NEW! Curriculum System User’s Guide CentralLink > Office of the Provost > Academic Effectiveness > Curriculum and Assessment > Curriculum Intentions of User’s Guide: Enhance training of new users. Provide rationale and clarification to areas within the forms. Reduce the number of proposals missing critical information. Reduce ambiguity of information presented within the proposals. Enhance user navigation and understanding of workflow processes within the curriculum system.

NEW! Curriculum System User’s Guide User Guide Features Table of contents with quick links. Caution Indicator: alerts users to areas where issues often occur. Tips Indicator: similar to best practices, these tips provide information to improve the curriculum proposal as well as the approval process. Specific Language: words such as “MUST” highlight required information. Tips for Tracking Proposals: finding proposals quickly and identifying the approval status is essential. Detailed Explanations: provide clarification of areas (i.e. rationales for proposals). Appendices: definition of terms and example of system generated e-mail.

Curriculum Committees Best Practices Committee Chairpersons: ensure committee members stay on task (i.e. conducting a full MCS review when unnecessary). Engage Members: prior to each meeting, members should do the following when appropriate. Evaluate impact on time to graduation Review grammatical issues that may lead to approved with edits versus returns Identify possible advising issues Determine the affects on other departments and programs Evaluate course outcomes to ensure they are measureable and appropriate for the course level Evaluate course-level rationale in accordance to guidelines. Review course sequencing for new programs Evaluate changes in number of credit hours Evaluate affects of program modifications Determine if courses are duplicated Ensure information in the attached documents (i.e. MCS) match the electronic forms!!! Capitalize on Member’s Strengths: Example, some members may have been involved in program review. Allow them to evaluate new programs overall while other members may be better suited to evaluate course modifications because of experience redesigning courses. Follow Up Strategies (Out of Sight Out of Mind): Curriculum proposals are often forgotten when there is not a good strategy for following up. Develop follow up strategies and COMMUNICATE to other committees.

Handling of Curriculum Minutes Accuracy of Minutes: To ensure accuracy of minutes, it is important to verify correct dates and information in SAP. Sometimes the information may change in SAP depending on the lag time on the routing of the proposal. Consistency: Ensure the information on the Green Form reflects exactly what is on the MCS. In addition, be sure the Green Form reflects the information stated in the minutes (hours, lab hours, etc). Frequency of Submitting Minutes: Minutes should be submitted to the Bulletin Editor and Academic Senate Office not later than 2 weeks after the meeting is held. Use electronic voting to get minutes approved. FROM and TO: are still needed in Minutes for courses but should be copied from the electronic proposal and pasted in the minutes. Please continue to use the minutes template (http://academicsenate.cmich.edu/curricular_minutes.htm) on the Academic Senate website to ensure consistency sing there will be multiple reviews of the minutes. Call the Academic Senate office or the Office of Curriculum and Assessment if you have any questions regarding minutes.

Resources Curriculum Website: CentralLink>Office of the Provost>Academic Effectiveness>Curriculum and Assessment >Curriculum. Academic Senate Website: CentralLink>Academic Senate. Electronic Curricular Forms Link: CentralLink>Academic Senate>Academic Senate – Internal>Curricular Forms. Bulletins: CentralLink>Office of the Provost>Academic Affairs>Bulletins. Assessment Plan Development: CentralLink>Office of the Provost>Academic Affairs>Curriculum and Assessment>Assessment>College Assessment Coordinators. Online Faculty Information System (OFIS): CentralLink>Office of the Provost>Academic Affairs>OFIS Education Index for Graduate Schools: http://graduate-school.phds.org/education-index/robotics-courses-in-michigan Education Portal: http://education-portal.com/ O*Net Home: http://www.onetonline.org/