Administrators Certification in Undergraduate Medical Education Trisha A. Arbella, ACUME Medical Training Program Administrator Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Vision Statement To establish professional standards that acknowledge the expertise achieved for the education of medical students. Certification will recognize the achievements of coordinators/administrators in their personal, professional growth
Mission Statement The development and implementation of a certification program that recognizes individuals who have improved themselves, their department, their university and their community through their contributions in the education of medical students.
What is “ACUME” Developed by Clerkship Administrators and Coordinators Currently 5 board members Offered to ALL clerkship coordinators Supported by AAMC
Current Participants 29 total members 10 members currently certified 19 members in process 2 members ready to take their exam 1 member awaiting approval
Current Disciplines Surgery: 9 Family Medicine: 1 Internal Medicine: 11 Pediatrics: 1 Psychiatry: 1 OB/GYN: 1 Sim Center: 1 Admin/Other: 2 Retired/No longer at med school: 2 (internal med and surgery)
Surgery Programs: ACUME completed Johns Hopkins University Columbia University University of Virginia Brown University (not current coordinator)
Surgery Programs: ACUME in-process University of Vermont Duke University Georgia Health Tulane University Massachusetts General St. Louis University University of Wisconsin
Application Guidelines and Requirements Application form CV Personal Statement Letters of Recommendation Certified copy of Bachelor’s Degree or 5 years experience Documentation of presentation at a national meeting
Application Guidelines/Requirements (cont.) Activities (choose 3) Evidence of attending national meeting for UME Serve on committee at home institution Attendance at workshop for UME Service on a committee through local or national organization Coordination of multi-department event or project within home institution Exam
Application Guidelines/Requirements (cont.) Workshops Digging in Deep Building Upon Your Foundation Exploring New Horizons 3 year process Fees($250/$125 recertification 5 years)
The Portfolio Application w/ passport photo Confidentiality and Validation Statement Check or money order CV Personal Statement LORs Evidence of 3 activities
Why “ACUME”? Professional Growth Personal Growth Moving away from clerical position, adding stability Promotes educated, competent and credentialed staff Knowledge of LCME Leadership qualities Better understanding of students Benefit for the department and CD Personal Growth
How can you help??? Support the coordinator Give up the “control” Push for funding ACUME Board Members Martha Chandler, ACUME Ginger Wilson, ACUME Linda Krencik, ACUME Sue Morschhauser, ACUME Christie Legler, ACUME