7Y 3-3-2015 Main: Chicken fries with mashed potato and gravy Alternate: Cheese ravioli with fresh roll Sides: California blend veggies, fruit Objectives: Describe challenges faced by the new nation. Agenda: Do Now: Section 2 Practice Quiz, Reflection packet option for the last test Discuss Homework and Do Now Discuss Chapter 7.3 and check notes Homework: Section 3 Vocabulary Builder
1. The US tried to remain neutral regarding events in Europe. July 14, 1789 – French Revolution. French citizens capture Bastille. After this Revolution, the new French government went to war with Britain. Washington proclaims neutrality – didn’t want to pick sides because it would tear the nation apart. Some people thought that Washington had gone way beyond what the Constitution allowed for a President. It’s Congress’ job to declare or not declare war. Some people thought that we should help French because of their help in our Revolution (Jefferson). Others wanted to support Britain to keep up a good trade relationship (Hamilton). Some people were scared of the violence of the French Revolutionists. French tried to use American privateers to fight the British. Jay’s Treaty – settled dispute with Britain: British would pay damages to American ships and US will pay debts to British. Was created to stop the British from attacking US ships and avoid another war with Britain. Unpopular. Sparked violent protest. Americans wanted more from Britain. Pickney’s Treaty: Spain closed the port of New Orleans because of border disputes. Thomas pickney is sent to negotioate. He is successful. Spain will open the port if the border goes to 31 degrees N lat.
2. The US and Native Americans came into conflict in the NW Territory. The Native Am were angry with Americans because the NW territory was part of their land, being stolen by Americans. British side with them and defeat US forces. George Washignton assigned Anthony Wayne as general. Defeats Little Turtle (Indian Chief) in battle of Fallen Timbers. Result The Treaty Greenville – The US has claims to most Indian lands in the NW territory. $20,000 in goods as payment and acknowledgement of their other lands. The Indians would no longer attack US citizens.
3. Whiskey’s Rebellion tested Washington’s administration. Many southerners were angry that there was tax on whiskey – there was a tax on whiskey because Hamilton wanted to raise money. Cash was rare, whiskey was like money. Farmers thought tax was aimed specifically at them. Farmers made the whiskey themselves. They could have thought that Hamilton wanted to tax them in favor of manufacturing over farmers. Incidents of violence were in many states. And farmers refused to pay taxes. Washington took his 13,000 men to western Pennsylvania and scared the rebellion into stopping. No violence. Nov 1794
4. In his farewell address, Washington advices the nation. In 1796, George W dedicded not to run for a third presidential term. He was tired of being president. Wanted to go back home and be a farmer. 1 - He advised the nation to not take money from foreign countries deep debt. National independence 2 - Steer clear from alliances. Don’t be friends with other countries forever because it will draw the country into wars that are not their own. Betrayal. National Independence Fix the disagreements in the government – no divisions. no political parties. However, soon after he quits, two political parties form: The Federalists (Hamilton and Adams) and the Democratic Republicans (Jefferson and Madison).
Section 4: John Adams’s Presidency Title Main Ideas Big Ideas Key Terms and People Groups: Lilly, Aaron, Bobby, Jack Ali, Charlie, Blake, Tim Bridget, Matt, Samuel, Luke Julia, Reid, Isaac, Oisin Niamh, Andrew, Nick, Sam