Ocean Currents
Mr. Parr on Currents
Current A horizontal movement of water, such as the Gulf Stream off the east coast of North America, or air such as the Jet Stream
Study Jams on Waves and Currents http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/weather-and-climate/waves-and-currents.htm
Gulf Stream A warm swift current in the Atlantic Ocean that flows from the Gulf of Mexico along the eastern coast of the US and then northeast towards Europe
Ben Franklin mapped the Gulf Stream
North Equatorial Current Ocean current near the Equator that flows East-West in the northern hemisphere
South Equatorial Current Ocean current near the Equator that flows east-west in the southern hemisphere
Humboldt Current Ocean current that flows northward along the western coast of South America; brings cool water north to the Equator; also known as the Peru Current; the presence or lack of this current is a vital part of the El Nino pattern
The Humboldt Current http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=the+humboldt+current On Discovery Education
El Nino The unusual warming of the surface waters of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. It causes changes in wind patterns that have major effects on weather all across the globe.
El Nino
La Nina A widespread cooling of the surface waters of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. It’s the opposite of El Nino
La Nina
Bill Nye on Ocean Currents