Mrs. D’s Busy Bee’s Mrs. D Theme: Feelings & Germs You have homework Week of September 14th Mrs. D’s Busy Bee’s Mrs. Dietrich Preschool Hope everyone has had a great break but we are very excited to be back! This week we will learn about the different types feelings we can have, why we have them and how to express them appropriately. We will also discuss germs, how they are spread so we can try not to! We will also start learning our letters, starting with the letter F, it also goes along with our theme! We will learn a new letter each week. Grandparent’s Day is Wednesday, AM class 10:30-11:30 and PM class 2:30-3:30. Please let us know how many will be attending! They may go home with grandparents if on list. Mrs. D Theme: Feelings & Germs You have homework this week! Please complete the letter F craft & return to school by Thursday! Show & Tell on Tuesday Something related to our theme! (Ex: Something that may make you feel a certain way.) Remember to return the assessment packet asap! Wear gym shoes everyday! Grandparents day is on Wednesday Mrs. D will be out on Tuesday for training IMPORTANT INFO