Proposed TGah Use Cases SED Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 Proposed TGah Use Cases SED Date: January 20, 2011 Authors: Name Company Address Phone email Stefan Aust NEC Communication Systems, Ltd. 1753 Shimonumabe, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-8666, Japan +81 44 435 1177 Jae-Hyung Song LG Electronics San 4-1, Bongcheon7-Dong, Kwanak-Gu Seoul, Korea +82-2-2102-0177 Dave Halasz Aclara 2315 W. 9th Street Austin, TX 78703 +1-330-283-2715 John Doe, Some Company
Objective This contribution proposes the development of an Use Cases System Engineering Document (Use Cases SED) for TGah.
About Use Cases SED Definition & Purpose: Howto: Goal: A Use Case SED is an independent design document that will be used by the TGah to agree on use cases and to support the identification of IEEE 802.11ah relevant system parameters. Howto: All TGah members/non-members are invited to contribute their ideas. Goal: The TGah agrees on use cases that are listed in the Use Cases SED which are in the scope of the TGah PAR. Slide 3
Proposed Steps Action & time frame: January meeting: Start ad-hoc group Use Cases Call for participation (members/non-members are invited) January to March: Define Use Cases SED and start to work on it Telephone conferences First: Second: March meeting: Presentation and discussion of the final Use Cases SED TGah motion/vote to agree on Use Cases SED Slide 4
References [1] IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs, IEEE 802.11ah Call for proposals, IEEE 802.11-10/1373r0, 11.11.2010