Web Animation By Thomas Rainey
The many Uses of web animation banner ads linear interactive Animations instruction information entertainment
Some Examples:
History of animation https://youtu.be/KlwPtIMSWyA The Magic Lantern Thaumatrope Zoetrope Flip book Palaeolithic https://youtu.be/KlwPtIMSWyA
Animation Stop Motion Claymation CGI (Computer Generated Image) Drawn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iep9EJ9H1aU
Some Examples:
Digital Animation Vector Animation Bitmap Compression (File Sizes)
The Software Flash Flash Player QuickTime
https://www.ptgui.com “Spherical Panoramas Create fully spherical 360° x 180° panoramas. PTGui includes interactive panorama viewers both for local viewing on your computer, and for embedding in a web page. Look around, up and down in the scene by clicking and dragging with the mouse.” http://www.panopress.org/example/qtvr-examples/ “Damascus Gate :: Jerusalem, 2005 :: 360° Panoramic Photography © Sam Rohn QTVR files are automatically displayed with Flash using Aldo Hoeben’s CuTy, which must be downloaded separately from PanoPress Download CuTy here, unzip and upload cuty.swf into wp-content/plugins/panopress/flash/ on your server. Upload your QTVR files to your site via FTP or use the WordPress media uploader Use the PanoPress shortcode to embed your QTVR files like this.”
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