Ideas About Science 5 – Risks and benefits AIM To be aware of the risks and benefits surrounding a variety of scientific issues. Grade E Describe the difference between a hazard and a risk. Grade C Explain some examples of hazards and risks and distinguish between perceived and actual risk. Produce reasons why some individuals discount or ignore risk. Grade A Critically assess the benefits and risks of given scientific issues. Apply understanding of the precautionary principle and ALARA. NB-ALARA – risks that are considered to be unavoidable should be made as low as reasonably achievable.
Hazard or risk? One of the following statements correctly defines the key word ‘hazard’ and one correctly defines ‘risk’. Discuss what the correct definition is for each word. The potential for something to happen. An estimate of how dangerous a hazard is in a particular situation. A dangerous event. A property of something that could cause harm to health or the environment. The effect of a dangerous substance. An opinion on the effect a hazard will have on an area.
Are you scared of flying? Photo © Walt Clayton III Photo © Empics Perceived risk? Actual risk?
Would you stand here? Perceived risk? Actual risk?
Would you put these pins in your face? Perceived risk? Actual risk? © Mark Campbell/Rex Features
Would you swim in the sea? Perceived risk? Actual risk? Photos ©
Actual risks vary Your chances depend on your lifestyle.
Smoking and drinking You have 5 minutes, in groups, to come up with the hazards in smoking and drinking and the health problems they increase the risk of.
Smoking Hazards Nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. Smoking greatly increases the chance of various different lung diseases. Did you know that smoking increases the risk of Buerger’s disease (gangrene)? Have you ever tried smoking? Lung © SIU Science Photo Library. Gangrene © Smoker © Miles Eliason.
Drinking Hazard Alcohol Drinking lots of excess alcohol increases the risk of many diseases including liver cirrhosis and heart disease. © On average, 3,000 people are killed or seriously injured each year in drink-drive collisions. Nearly one in six of all deaths on the road involve drivers who are over the legal alcohol limit. Car © Carlos Paes. Pint © HS/Keystone/USA/Rex Features. Liver © CNRI/Science Photo Library.
Food additives Food additives are chemicals added to food during its production. Some food additives carry very little risk. Vinegar has been used as a food preservative for many years. Other food additives have been in the news as they have been linked with health concerns. Saccharin is an artificial sweetener that has been linked with cancer. Pickle © mama, stock.xchng
Dealing with risks The precautionary principle – new technologies should be thoroughly tested before people are allowed to use it. (Better safe than sorry.) ALARA – risks that are considered to be unavoidable should be made as low as reasonably achievable.
Are food additives risky? The information on the handout has been taken from various news articles in 2007. Read the information in the handout and in your groups: Grade E: Identify some hazards in processed foods. Grade C: Explain why these articles may have changed the perceived risk of food additives compared with the actual risk. Produce reasons why some people base their diet on processed food despite the highlighted risks. Grade A: Evaluate whether you think the benefits of food additives outweigh the risks. Assess whether there are any examples of the precautionary principle or ALARA being applied.
Risks and benefits Homework: Nothing is entirely risk free. With scientific advancements come numerous risks and benefits. Pick a scientific topic and evaluate the risks and benefits associated with it. Telescope: ©