Walking in the Light Psalm 36, John 8:12 Psalm 36: 8b-9 (God) “you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.”
Walking in the Light Walking in the dark can be frightening and dangerous. Jesus lights our lives; he walks with us. Psalm 36 David contrasts the sinfulness of the wicked with the goodness of the Lord. The wicked have no fear of God (1) . The wicked are conceited (2): They do not see how wicked they are. The wicked are crooked and deceitful (3).
Walking in the Light The wicked hatch sinful plots (4). Then qualities of the Lord he shares with the faithful: -Unfailing love (5, 7) -Faithfulness (36:5) -Righteousness (6) - Justice (6) -Providence and protection (6–8, 10–12) -Goodness: life and light to the godly.(9)
Walking in the Light In Gods light we see light. Eden and Creation suggested in blessing. “Light”= security in the Lord, abundant provisions, life (here and forever), and understanding in God’s presence. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Walking in the Light Near where Jesus said this were four huge golden candelabras They symbolized ‘pillar of fire’ and God’s leading His people. The Jews knew what he was saying and tried to disprove it - but couldn’t! Jesus clearly showed that he was the way to attain a true knowledge of God! Jesus the only way to truly know God!
Walking in the Light We should get all the help we can. All Jesus Followers should be Walking in the Light - and helping others to do so! The whole body of Christ should help each other and especially our children “Walk in the Light”!