Origins of the Progressive Movement and the Beginnings of Reform Progressive Era Origins of the Progressive Movement and the Beginnings of Reform
Why Progressivism? End of the 19th century – rapid changes in American society: Industrialization Urbanization Immigration had created problems that had to be fixed. Progressivism – A broad attempt to impose order and justice on a society that seemed to be approaching chaos.
Background to Reform Progressivism as a continuation of earlier reform efforts: Grange Movement Populists Suffrage Movement Temperance Movement Progressivism contains aspects of all of these movements.
Four Main Goals of Progressivism Want to address problems in society. “Progress” Protecting Social Welfare Promoting Moral Improvement “A lot of things to a lot of people.” Creating Economic Reform Promoting Efficiency Progressives are mostly middle-class reformers.
Protecting Social Welfare “Social Gospel” movement and settlement houses continue Creating of YMCA; Salvation Army Women play a key role – Florence Kelley advocates for child welfare and fights for rights of working women
Promoting Moral Improvement Many believe that morality holds key to improving lives of poor Promotion of prohibition of alcohol Women’s Christian Temperance Union under “Carry Nation” – largest women’s group in history of U.S. Almost 6 feet tall and weighing 175 pounds with a stern countenance, she described herself as "a bulldog running along at the feet of Jesus, barking at what He doesn't like”.
Creating Economic Reform Major factor in Progressivism – abuses of Big Business Many question capitalist system in America: Unfair government support and lack of oversight Monopolistic practices that hurt consumers Abuse of workers Corruption Some Americans embrace concepts of Socialism Eugene Debs as key Socialist organizer in America
Muckrakers Attack Corruption Muckrakers – investigative journalists who expose corruption and graft in business and society: Ida Tarbell – exposed corruption of Standard Oil * Upton Sinclair – wrote about horrors of meat-processing industry in The Jungle. Lincoln Steffins – wrote about political machines and voter fraud
Promoting Efficiency Some Progressives believe the way to fix society is through scientific know-how Frederick Taylor promotes “Taylorism” or Scientific Management – idea is to reduce working hours by making workers more efficient Mixed results –eventually leads to assembly line