Student Retention Keys to Success
Keys to Success Dependability Goal Setting/End-Result Thinking Honesty Good Attitude Critical Thinking Skills Intrinsic Motivation Creativity/Innovation Self-Esteem/Self-Efficacy Accountability Professionalism Handle Change Goal Setting/End-Result Thinking Resiliency Making Effective Decisions Empowering/Mentoring Team Players Cultural Diversity Flexibility and Multi-Skilled Planning and Organizing Take Action/Proactive
Traditional Education Math History Science Language Geography Computer Training Vocational Job Skills
Who is Your Student Customer? Adult High School Transfer Student Industry Student
Adult Age 26+ Works Full/Time Has a family Graduate from High School/GED Last Math Class Sophomore in H.S. Very little writing and reading practice
High School Age 18 to 22 Not sure about career Chose 2 yr college over 4 yr university Study Skills may be in question Part/Time employed
Transfer Student Comes from another college May enter with some transfer credits Usually not successful and are needing to go to school and looking for success experience
Industry Student Has strong experience Works full/time Has attitude that they know more than their instructor Has specific goals and objectives for school outcomes
Learning Styles Visual Auditory Tactile
Reduce emphasis on competition and perfection. SELF-ESTEEM Establish a learning environment that is flexible, spontaneous and relaxed. Reduce emphasis on competition and perfection. Emphasize the student’s best work. Provide immediate feedback within a positive framework.
Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves. It is the picture we have of our-selves. Educators know that fostering an individual’s sense of the self esteem opens the door to enhanced learning. High self esteem develops out of an assurance that the student can generally be successful at the accomplishing goals. This positive self-concept grows out of the individual’s opportunity (1) to develop a realistic appraisal of his/her strengths and weaknesses, (2) to fail on occasion, with the help to get up and move on , and (3) to develop an awareness of and a respect for others’ strengths and weaknesses.
Attention Gets Retention
Attendance Average Daily Attendance Drops 90% Avg Daily Attendance
At Risk Parents not attending college High School Program GPA H.S. Study Skills Math Writing Skills
First Impressions Marketing Phone Facility Meeting Faculty & Staff First Day Expectations vs Reality
Orientation Prior to sit day First Day Each day Graduation
Mentors Faculty Staff Peer
Community Activities Family Professionals Organizations Clubs
Assistance Learning Groups Study Centers Q&A Documents Advising Key People
Classroom Instruction Organization Methods Materials Room Environment Expectations No Surprises Communication Availability
Faculty Observation New form (Policy) Appointments after observation Plan for development measured
Attitude & Gratitude Internal External
Internal All Employees All Students
External Employers Parents Spouses Siblings Community Friends
The Beginning Great Retention!!