Maja Bakran-Marcich DDG DG MOVE – European Commission 5th Business Conference "Transport & Logistics of South East Europe and Danube Region - TIL 2018, Belgrade, 22 March 2018 Maja Bakran-Marcich DDG DG MOVE – European Commission
EU assistance to SEE countries IPA II National (10 to 25 M€ per country per year on 2014-2020, for connectivity projects). IPA II Regional, which includes the Western Balkan Investment Framework. WBIF : blending instrument: 120-150 M€ x year to transport connectivity projects (depending on the progress made on connectivity reforms); Loans from IFIs : roughly 10 billion 2004-2014 mainly for roads). Problem of fiscal space prevents additional loans. Connecting Europe Facility : 11 M€ allocated to IWW in 2017.
EU versus WB EU instruments (CEF-Cohesion) allocate more than 85% of the total funding to "clean transport" (2014-2020) Western Balkans invested 85% of their financial resources in roads (2004-2014)
Indicative extension of the TEN-T core network corridors (including the ones in the Western Balkans). The three core network corridors to be extended for the Western Balkans are: Mediterranen Orient-East Med Rhine-Danube European Coordinators: Brinkhorst, Grosch and Peijs. Priority sections on the corridors have been identified in order to maximise the usage of the scarce funding available via various sources (national budget, EU budget (Instrument for pre-accession), International Financial Institutions, loans,…). Only very limited potential for financing from CEF (see (66) of the whereas in the CEF Regulation 1316/2013 and Articel 16: "Actions in third countries may be supported by means of the financial instruments if those actions are necessary for the implementation of a project of common interest". Priority projects along sections of these corridors and on other important sections of the core network have been identified and should be implemented by 2020. 4