GlobalMMCS Entry Portlets
List of Available Conferences
Menu Applet You may join sessions with Unicast or H.323 session clients. You may also join interactive chat sessions. Using the option “StreamingStart” to send streams from your desktop.
Application Factory Screens
The GFac service lets you create and access services securely on the Grid
To create a new service, you must provide a ServiceMapDocument To create a new service, you must provide a ServiceMapDocument. It is an XML file that describes how the service is to be created. It also describes the GUI that will be dynamically generated for the service.
The figure shows a sample ServiceMapDocument
Every new service that is created with the GFac, registers its WSDL with the registry. You can query the registry and choose the service that you want to access
A sample query for “Service” returns the following services
Clicking on the ‘BLAST Service’ lets you access the GUI that was dynamically generated from the ServiceMapDocument. The sample BLAST service has two methods viz., SearchDatabase and CreateDatabase. When you click on any method, the dynamically generated GUI for that method pops up.
The interface to the ‘Search Database’ method, shows all the input parameters, their description and default values.
The interface to the ‘Create Database’ method
Capability Manager
This is the front page of the capman This is the front page of the capman. The portal user can choose either “Provider Mode” or “User Mode”.
Provider mode index
User mode index
Capability policy details
Search for web services
Service provider sets the policies
Raw XML data of capability tokens