Warm Up Describe Each: Natural Selection Population Genetics Genetic Drift Gene Flow Nonrandom mating Mutation
Types of Evolution Coevolution Convergent Evolution Divergent Evolution Punctuated Equilibrium Gradualism Biological Resistance
Evolution of one species affects the evolution of the other species. Types of Evolution Coevolution Evolution of one species affects the evolution of the other species.
Types of Evolution Convergent Evolution Unrelated species evolve similar traits even though they live in different parts of the world.
Types of Evolution Divergent Evolution Two species move away from the traits they share as they adapt to their environment.
Types of Evolution Biological Resistance Mutation that makes organism resistant to toxin.
Evolution proceeds in small, gradual steps Types of Evolution Rate of Speciation Gradualism Evolution proceeds in small, gradual steps Puntuated equilibrium rapid spurts of genetic change causing species to diverge quickly.
15.3 Shaping Evolutionary Theory Chapter 15 Evolution 15.3 Shaping Evolutionary Theory
Which evolutionary pattern is represented by Chapter 15 Evolution 15.3 Formative Questions Which evolutionary pattern is represented by the similarities between these two organisms that live on separate continents? coevolution convergent evolution directional evolution divergent evolution
What tempo of evolution does this model represent? Chapter 15 Evolution Chapter Assessment Questions What tempo of evolution does this model represent? gradual elevated sequential punctuated
Contrast convergent and divergent evolution. Closing Quiz Contrast convergent and divergent evolution.