Avoiding injury & burnout Training is like a jigsaw puzzle. Find the pieces YOU need…
Training = Stress Too much stress = breakdown Too little stress = no progress
Factors affecting injury Fitness background Current lifestyle/Sleep Body weight & gender Biomechanical imbalances/muscle weaknesses Training volume, intensity and overload Hydration & nutrition Lack of warm up Running technique Footwear
Running Technique Barefoot? Forefoot? heel strike? Chi? Pose? Running School, Minimalist shoes? – it rages on.. However…. There is no ONE running style Your biomechanics will dictate your running form. Conscious change = injury risk S&C + training allows your form to develop
Perfect Running Technique?
Common Running Niggles Achilles tendonopathy/Calf strains ‘Runners Knee’ ITB Piriformis Syndrome Plantar Fasciitis Shin/Tibia ‘pain’
Reduce risk of injury Manage Training load Biomechanics S&C and Foam Rolling Fuel & Hydration Treatment/Massage
Top Tips for recovery Resting HR - 5-10 BPM increase = CAUTION Recovery nutrition. Cortisol rises = lower immunity Supplements – Bee Prepared, CoEnzyme Q10, Cherry Active, Beetroot Juice, VitD, Magnesium Spray, B12, probiotics Sleep – get LOTS. Stress – avoid it Avoid ill people, wash hands lots Sports massage/Foam Rolling LISTEN TO YOUR BODY
Exercises Foam Rolling – Quads and Calves Ball in bum and QL Space Invader Walks Band Squats and Hip Bridge + leg Side Planks with lift