Elements effective of visual aids v
Keep it simple.
The visual aid is not the star.
The text is difficult to read in any color. This background is too distracting. The text is difficult to read in any color.
Limit text and bullet points.
There is too much text on this slide.
The U.S. is responsible for 72% of all Chilean fruit imports. This is better. The U.S. is responsible for 72% of all Chilean fruit imports.
72% This is even better.
Choose quality photography over clip art.
Only use high resolution photos that are evenly stretched.
Only use one image per slide. Try to make the image cover the entire slide.
Do not choose photos With watermarks.
Use COLOR responsibly.
Please don’t blind your audience.
Use FONTS wisely.
Don’t take my presentation seriously ;) This font says… Don’t take my presentation seriously ;)
It is importnt to learn good presentation skills now as they cn be used threwout your hole life. Proofread your slides..
Embed videos when possible. (and keep videos short and to the point)
Practice with your visual aid and the equipment. The audience wants to see your face, not the back of your head.
Only include the “aid” if … It emphasizes a point. It evokes emotion It is necessary for audience understanding.
Be prepared to give your speech even if all of these fail. Have a back-up plan. Flash drive Student drive Google drive E-mail Be prepared to give your speech even if all of these fail.