Minoan and Mycenean
Left: Onouphrios ware jug -EMI (c Left: Onouphrios ware jug -EMI (c. 3000-2500bc) -Terracotta & iron-rich clay paint -hand-made with three-stage firing to manipulate the colors of the paint and the vessel itself (a Mesopotamian technique) -Crete -Dark on light simple linear pattern decoration painted in red semi-lustrous paint; complements shape of the vessel. Round bottom with beaked spout. -Function was probably serve/dinnerware and/or storage
Kamares Ware from the old Palace at Phaistos, 1800 BCE, 27 cm H.
Lentoid Flask with Octopi, 28 cm h, Palaikastros, Late Minoan I 1500 BCE
Cone shaped bottle with starfish and sea shells, 33 cm h, from Zacro, Late Minoan I, 1500 BCE
Biconical Cinerary Urn of Warrior, Villanovan, Tarquinia, app Biconical Cinerary Urn of Warrior, Villanovan, Tarquinia, app. 850 BC 22 3/8 in h Biconical Cinerary Urn of Woman, Villanovan, Vetulonia 850 - 800 BC, 14 : h
Canopic Jar, first half of 625 - 600 BC
Impasto Oinochoe, 700 - 650 BC Bisenzio 30 cm h Impasto Askos 700 - 650 BC Cerveteri 30 cm h