WE ARE BEVAN AVIATION, INC. Started in 1954 working solely on aircraft avionics Specializing in avionics repair, avionics installation and aircraft maintenance 20,000 sq. ft. of hangar space to house aircraft 20 employees Authorized Dealer for Garmin, Appareo, L3, and over 15 more Garmin Award of Excellence 11+ years
ADS-B Intro Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast ADS-B allows air traffic controllers to route traffic more efficiently, reducing congestion, noise, emission and fuel consumption. It also promises to keep our skies safer by enhancing situational awareness. Using WAAS GPS for accurate position reporting, ADS-B out equipped aircraft transmit information to ground stations and to other ADS-B equipped aircraft in the vicinity.
Who needs ADS-B? Any aircraft who flies in controlled airspace will need an ADS-B “Out” solution. The improved accuracy, integrity and reliability of satellite signals over radar means controllers eventually will be able to safely reduce the minimum separation distance between aircraft and increase capacity in the sky. The rule requires ADS-B Out equipment by January 1, 2020, to operate in designated airspace.
ADS-B Comparison OUT IN ADS-B Out refers to an aircraft broadcasting its position and other information. Properly equipped aircraft will broadcast their identity, position, track, speed and other vital data via the “OUT.” All aircraft Operating in Class A, B, C airspace, Class E above 10,000 feet MSL and airspace identified in Part 91 Appendix D require ADS‑B “Out.” ADS-B In refers to an aircraft receiving the broadcasts and messages from the ground network. Ground stations are broadcasting valuable information you can use if your aircraft is equipped to receive it using ADS-B “In” technology. i.e, aircraft number, ground speed, altitude, airspeed, location
Transponders Universal Access Transceiver Mode S Extended Squitter 978 MHz Less universal than “ES” in terms of where you fly Limited to aircraft that will operate no higher than 17,999 MLS Broadcasts weather and limited, approximate traffic (those with ADS-B “OUT”) 1090 MHz Longer broadcast of data that is transmitted More data delivered than the Mode S version, 49 parameters compared to 7 Required if you plan to fly internationally or above 18,000
ADS-B Solutions Lynx NGT-9000 Stratus Garmin GTX 3XX The GTX 345 series transponders deliver 1090 ES ADS-B Out. And they include the option for a WAAS position source and dual-link ADS-B In, so you can see advanced traffic and weather on GTNTM, Garmin portables and tablets using Garmin Pilot and ForeFlight Mobile apps. L-3’s Lynx NGT-9000 is an ADS-B In/Out transponder that’s also a touchscreen display for traffic, weather, airport data and restricted airspace. Lynx is a single-box ADS-B solution with an embedded G.PS-WAAS Includes a 1090 ES transponder and certified WAAS GPS in the same box.
Check out these links For more information http://www.garmin.com/us/intheair/ads-b https://www.faa.gov/nextgen/programs/adsb/faq/ https://www.aopa.org/advocacy/advocacy-briefs/air-traffic-services-brief-automatic-dependent-surveillance-broadcast-ads-b http://www.faa.gov/nextgen/equipadsb/rebate/ http://ipadpilotnews.com/2012/08/understanding-ads-b-traffic/ Check out these links For more information