Second Moroccan (Agadir) Crisis 1911 Franco – Prussian War 1870 – 1871 First Moroccan Crisis 1905 Algeciras Conference 1906 Bosnian Crisis 1908 Second Moroccan (Agadir) Crisis 1911 First Balkan War 1912 Second Balkan War 1913 The Spark 1914 +
SERBIA Happy to be the strongest Balkan state after BW1. Annoyed that Austria thwarted plans for a coastline at Peace Conference after BW1. Happy to make more land gains after BW2. Press wanted Slavic unity. Terrorists attacked Austrian targets. Happy to have doubled in size. AUSTRIA Stunned at the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Wanted to crush Serbia after BW1. Did not want to pull all of Europe into war after BW1. Happy to have cheated Serbia out of a coastline at the Peace Conference after BW1. Angry at Serbian terrorists. Resented Serbia’s successes during BWs. Concerned that Serbia had doubled in size. BULGARIA Felt there were too many Bulgarians living in areas given to Serbia and Greece after BW1. So annoyed they started BW2 with Turkey’s help. Angry to have lost lands after BW2. TURKEY Angry to have a crumbling empire after BW1. Wanted lands back and so helped Bulgaria start BW2. Regained some prestige along with Adrianople after BW2.