No warm-up…too much to do!
HOLC Home Owners Loan Corporation Bought the mortgages of many homeowners who were behind in their payments-restructured them with longer terms of repayment and lower interest rates Example: Mortgage=150,000 So people had to pay 1500 every month at 3% interest rate NOW, people have to pay 900 a month at 1.5% interest rate
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Created to insure bank deposits in the event of bank failure-regulated banking practices to protect the deposit-holder $250,000
FERA Federal Emergency Relief Administration Distribute $500 million in direct relief to state and local relief agencies
CWA Civil Works Administration Provided employment in construction of airports, parks, schools and railroad-put the WPA into action
WPA Works Progress Administration Created a massive labor army out of the unemployed (11 million unemployed in 1934-8.5 million put to work from WPA) cost 11$ billion Roads, public buildings, bridges, parks and airports Was the largest and most ambitious New Deal agency, employing millions to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads, and operated large arts, drama, media, and literacy projects. It fed children and redistributed food, clothing, and housing. Almost every community in the United States had a park, bridge or school constructed by the agency
AAA Agricultural Adjustment Act Created to address the problems of farmers (overproduction and low prices) Gave subsidies to farmers who curtailed their production (stop producing! In turn we will PAY you to stop producing, so farmers don’t get worried about losing money)
CCC Civilian Conservation Corps Employment to young unmarried men Planted trees, built flood barriers, fought forest fires and maintained forest roads and trails (3 million employed)
PWA Public Works Administration Stimulate economic recovery through public construction programs Courthouses, hospitals, schools, libraries, bridges, tunnels, roads, highways, dams, levees and even navy ships-not as successful 3.3 billion devoted to public works
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority Brought electricity, flood control, and improved navigation and living conditions to the Tennessee Valley (7 states) Publicly funded development and cheap electricity spurred industrial growth and helped bring the region out of poverty
RFC Reconstruction Finance Corporation Designed to provide financial aid to railroads, financial institutions and business corporations Expanded to provide aid to agriculture and to finance state and local public works
NIRA/NRA National Industrial Recovery Act Created a massive program of public works, guaranteed workers the right to bargain collectively, established codes of fair practice and trade, and created the NRA to carry them out Individual businesses' participated in. Businesses that followed the industry-wide "codes" could display the "Blue Eagle" the NRA symbol. Additionally the government urged consumers to boycott businesses that did not have the Blue Eagle.
FCA Farm Credit Administration Created to regulate, coordinate and examine the institutions belonging to the Farm Credit System Reform
SSA Social Security Act Created a permanent old-age pension for retired workers; later it would be extended to include dependents, the disabled, and other groups
SEC Security and Exchange Commission Created to end dishonest and unethical manipulations of the stock market Banned insider trading, required full and honest disclosure on the sales of stocks, and regulated their exchange
NLRA/NLRB National Labor Relations Administration/Board Wagner Act Principle labor relations law between employers and workers in all private businesses-seeks to settle differences between them Prevented unfair practices by unions and employers