The activity of State Forests in favour of fire protection
The logo of State Forests State Forests National Forest Holding: is in charge of 7,2 mln of forests takes care of the condition of managed lands on its territory people can pick the groundcover controls illegal logging in private forests, if Starost’s Office of the Poviat delegates this task and pays for it exists in Poland The logo of State Forests
Regional Directorates of State Forests
Current prognosis of the risks of fire April 2017 No danger Low danger Medium danger The non-predicted area
Regional Directorate of State Forests in Krosno Holding over 80% of forests requires appropriate fire precautions. In order to do this State Forests apply the array of activities. Regional Directorate of State Forests in Krosno
Protection of internal forest roads Mounting the barriers They are large enough in size to prevent a fire passing through or over it. Jedlicze, Poland
Fitting the prohibitory signs “Fire road, no.10” Fitting the prohibitory signs “WARNING Forest areas Fire danger”
Fire-fighting construction Fire tower provides the observation within a radius of 10 km at least. Fire Tower in Pieńsk, Poland
Firebreak type B in Konstantynów, Poland Preventive activity Firebreaks prevent from potential fire spreading and simplify the fire-fighting action in the case of fire uprising. Firebreak type B in Konstantynów, Poland
Water channel in Role, Poland On forestial grounds lies above 1000 points of fire extinguishing water of various kinds: naturals, artificials and standpipes Water channel in Role, Poland
Area under video surveillance” Moreover, forestry management is monitoring forest fire danger from 1st March to 30th September as well as creating and holding the system of detecting and informing about forest fires. “Warning Area under video surveillance” Jedlicze, Poland
- irreversible damages. State Forests tries to prevent forest fires in many ways, but it is not enough. People do not realize that taking the rubbish out often prompts to forest fire and hence - irreversible damages. GOOD BAD
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Sources “Ochrona lasów przed pożarami”, Karol Wiler, Paweł Wcisło “European Glossary for wildfires and forest fires”, Dr. Robert Stacey, Stephen Gibson, Paul Hedley