Social Mobilisation and Community Engagement School Reopening 2015 Sierra Leone
Background and Situation Analysis Schools Closed in July 2014 due to Ebola outbreak restricting movement and public gathering 1.8million school going children out of school and learning disrupted This is in a context where 25 percent of school age going children are out of school Sector Coordination led by MEST to respond to Ebola (task force instituted + technical working committees), with UNICEF support Social Mobilisation one of the key technical committees (UNICEF co-chairing)
Expected C4D Outcomes Goals Get all Children back to school including those out of school prior to Ebola Keep schools safe and no zero Ebola cases in school Keep all children in school and resume quality learning Outcomes Messages and communication materials disseminated at all levels Databases created for messages and materials to generate knowledge
Strategies and Approaches Sector working group instituted (various key partners) Development of a Back To School Social Mobilisation Strategy endorsed and approved by MEST Coordination and collaboration with the social mobilisation pillar within the NERC Collaboration with various partners (Save the Children) Engagement of key stakeholders (Women groups, paramount chiefs, Back to School Committees)
What was rolled out? Social Mobilization & Community Engagement Strategy Key Messages: Pupils, Teachers, communities & Parents IEC materials: Posters and Billboards in 14 districts Frequently Asked Questions about Back to School. Radio Jingles in 6 local languages (Krio, Mende, Themne, Limba, Fulla, Kono)
Social Mobilization & Community Engagement Social Mobilisers Schools Women’s/youth Groups Promotion of preventive practices PC/Religious leaders AW Different forms of local mobilization activities- folk performances, HWWS demos (schools), Rallies and social mobilization support during Mangal Diwas and VHND etc. Community meeting 5 man/15 man comm
360 degree social mobilisation & Community Engagement approach Community Dialogue and Engagement Radio /TV SMS Text Outdoor Media/IEC materials 15 man / 5 man committee Teachers 3600 Religious Leaders, Paramount chief, Community Influencers Youth/Women’s Group/market Associations Social Mobilization partners Town Crier
149 paramount chiefs oriented 41 radio Stations/6 local languages 12000 - 149 paramount chiefs oriented 41 radio Stations/6 local languages Radio /TV Religious Leaders, Community Influencers 14000 Posters 28 Billboards 38 oriented Women market Associations 5000 10000 trained Teachers Games: Danger cards/Snakes and ladders
Students/pupils are engaged in conversations by the teachers and the social mobilisers on Ebola and Back to School.
Increasing the school attendance Keeping children in school THE SPOTLIGHT NOW IS ON Increasing the school attendance Keeping children in school Promoting the DO NOT Touch Policy in schools & Do NOT touch sick Focus on sustaining preventative behaviors e.g hand washing.
Monitoring Rapid pro (Data & Monitoring) Weekly reporting on BtS indicators by SM pillar partners Infographics and FGDs (Qualitative information) Field Coordinators MEST Coordination