Jenny Jones, Director, VCOE Kelly Cox, OT, ATAC, SELPA Ventura County SELPA Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) Model: Psych TOT Training #5 Jenny Jones, Director, VCOE Kelly Cox, OT, ATAC, SELPA
Agenda Psychoeducational Reports Interventions Resources Assistive Technology
Our Journey Overview of Model Exclusionary Factors SLD Page Planning as a Team COMPARES 2 Assessment Approaches Choosing Assessment Tools This provides a summary of our journey.
Psychoeducational Reports We will be providing access to four example reports – two that are using the Cross-battery approach and two that are using the Dehn approach. The purpose of this presentation is to investigate different ways to incorporate the needed information into the psychoeducational report. While a psychoeducational report template is provided on the Ventura County SELPA website, there are a variety of ways to write a psychoeducational report. Please reference the requirements provided by your district.
4 Report Examples Cross-Battery Dehn Triennial for English speaking 10-year old with additional information on possible ED eligibility Triennial for English speaking 13-year old Initial assessment for English speaking 7-year old with additional information on possible ED eligibility Triennial for bilingual 7-year old (initial assessment for SLD) This table provides an overview of the four report examples. In the trainings you provide within your district, you may choose to limit your investigation to just one or two of these reports. You may choose to examine reports that were written by assessment teams within your district. These four reports are examples of reports; they are not meant to serve as “perfect exemplars.” The reports were modified from their original form, for the sake of being examples. Each district may have specific requirements for reports within your district. In addition, each school psychologist tends to have their own way of writing reports. Use these reports as they were intended – to serve as a tool.
Activity Directions Choose a partner Decide which two reports you and your partner will investigate All 4 will be on Moodle Materials: Processing of Reports handout There are many ways to design this presentation. Due to numbers, we will be working in pairs. In your district, you may want to choose one report to read as a large group. While reading, we will be taking notes and sharing with a partner. We will also be breaking the report down into smaller sections.
Reason for Referral Read through the Reason for Referral for the report you are reading Take notes Share with your partner Read through the Reason for Referral section of the report and follow the directions on the screen.
Educational History Read through the Educational History section for the report you are reading Which interventions were attempted? What data was provided? Take notes Share with your partner Read through the Educational History section of the report and follow the directions on the screen.
Tests Administered Read through the Tests Administered section for the report you are reading Are these tests you are familiar with? Why were these tests chosen? Take notes Share with your partner Read through the Tests Administered section of the report and follow the directions on the screen.
Format of Cognitive Test Write-Ups Read through the test results and narrative of test results for the cognitive tests within the report you are reading How is this report format similar/different from your own? What might you incorporate into your future reports? Take notes Share with your partner Read through the Cognitive Tests section of the report and follow the directions on the screen. Due to time limitations, decide how in-depth you would like your participants to spend on this section.
Academic Information Read through the Academic section for the report you are reading How is this report format similar/different from your own? What might you incorporate into your future reports? Take notes Share with your partner Read through the Academic Assessment section of the report and follow the directions on the screen.
Summary Read through the Summary section for the report you are reading How is this report format similar/different from your own? What might you incorporate into your future reports? Take notes Share with your partner Read through the Summary section of the report and follow the directions on the screen.
COMPARES How was the COMPARES information incorporated into the report? Is there another way you may have reported this information? Take notes Share with your partner Find where the author wrote about the COMPARES within the report and follow the directions on the screen.
Eligibility Statement Read through the Eligibility Statement for the report you are reading How is this report format similar/different from your own? What might you incorporate into your future reports? Take notes Share with your partner Read through the Eligibility Statement section of the report and follow the directions on the screen.
Comments, Questions?
There are many resources that currently exist that assist teams in finding appropriate educational interventions for students.
The What Works Clearinghouse website provides quite a bit of information about specific interventions.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Materials: UDL handout Universal Design for Learning, or UDL, is not a new idea. However, much more emphasis has been placed on UDL as the CCSS have been implemented. The screen as well as the handout provides an overview of the different aspects of UDL. The website link on the screen provides access to the UDL website where much more in-depth information can be found. Information on UDL was provided via an overview at the January VCASP meeting as well as SELPA’s March presentation by Mary Shillinger on the topic of UDL. UDL helps to assist that all students have access to classroom standards.
This book, released in 2014, does provide information about selecting interventions for students.
Steven Feifer’s books on the Neuropsychology of Reading, Math, and Writing Disorders also provide specific intervention information based upon subtypes of disorders.
Interventions: Assistive Technology Kelly Cox
Next Year Moodle Canvas/Google Audience Specific Trainings Topic Specific Trainings COMPARES Interventions Next year, our county office will be moving from using Moodle as our Learning Management System to Canvas. We will move all of the TOT content to a new platform (either Canvas or a Google folder) and provide each of you with login information in August/September. Instead of offering audience specific trainings next year (TOT for SAI teachers, psychs, etc.), the SELPA will be offering topic specific trainings that will be open to anyone interested. A list of those topics and dates will be provided via a flyer coming soon. Our PSW committee will be looking into ways to “keep up with the COMPARES.” If anyone is interested in helping to participate, please contact me directly. Another area of focus for next year will be to expand our knowledge on specific interventions.
Thank you! Jenny Jones