Public Health Statistics WG Eurostat online publication on health statistics Health in the European Union – facts and figures Agenda point 11 Jakub Hrkal ESTAT F-5 26-27 November 2015 Public Health Statistics WG
Format of the publication Statistics explained (SE)= a ‘Wikipedia for statistics’-like tool of the ESS Common template: key figures and indicators, data sources and availability, background, methodology, links to external sources and glossaries On-line publication = a set of interlinked and updated SE articles 26-27 November 2015 Public Health Statistics WG
Structure of the online publication Introduction 1. Health status 2. Specific health conditions 3. Health determinants - lifestyles 4. Healthcare human and physical resources 5. Healthcare activities 6. Healthcare expenditure 7. Health statistics - methodology 8. Focus on regions 9. Focus on children and youth 26-27 November 2015 Public Health Statistics WG
Public Health Statistics WG Links Online publication: Health articles entry page: Data: 26-27 November 2015 Public Health Statistics WG