”Seed of Goodness” Center
The history of the center The ”Seed of Goodness” center is created in 2015 and is part of ”World of Life” Fondation, based in Lac city for over 18 years. Our porpuse is helping people in need by supplying for them social, material and spiritual needs. Our focus is on people with physical disabilities, with development disorder , widows, poor families and hopeless children.
Educative lessons for children
Free Counseling
Free Gym for disable people
Free Speech Therapy
Social Activities
Here, every child has opportunity for indoor and out-door recreation and play facilities along with training in crafts and hobbies
Sports activities
Giving JOY to the poor kids
Free meals for poor kids and disable people
Big celebrations with poor, widows, abandoned and abused people in our community
Suporting the orphans and poor people with food and cloths.
Our Contacts We would greatly appreciate it if you could contribute for our center to continue to supply some of the needs for services for disable people, poor children and for hopeless people. If you wish to support us, please contact in our email: qendrafaramiresie@yahoo.com Our bank details is: IBAN (EURO)- 0005793759 In Lek: AL 48202140090000000005793759 Raffeisen Bank, Lac/Albania The team at “ Seed of Goodness” would like to thank you in advance for your support!