Ch.13 Section1.


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Presentation transcript:

Ch.13 Section1

Industrial Revolution occurred in response to an increased demand for manufactured goods Period of rapid growth in manufacturing and production Richard Arkwright invented the water frame

Mechanic who helped design the first U.S. textile mill Samuel Slater Mechanic who helped design the first U.S. textile mill Mill owners often hired families to work at their mills in exchange for low wages

A Manufacturing Breakthrough Technology- tools designed to produce goods or to do work Mass Production- efficiently making large numbers of identical goods Whitney promised to build 10,000 muskets in two years, but failed. It took 10 years.

Slow Start The growth of manufacturing in the U.S. was slowed because of the high price of labor and the lack of capital

Ch 13 Section 2

Rhode Island System Slater hired families divided factory work into simple jobs

Lowell System Francis Cabot Lowell-employed local women to spin and weave in one mill

Workers Organize Trade unions-organizations created by workers to improve working conditions Workers reacted to changes in factory labor conditions by organizing unions Strike- employees refuse to work until employers meet their demands

Sarah Bagley-union founder who publicized workers’ struggles Labor Reform Sarah Bagley-union founder who publicized workers’ struggles

Ch 13 Section 3

Transportation Revolution Created a boom in business across the country by speeding travel

The Steamboat Robert Fulton-inventor who developed a steam powered boat Clermont – full sized commercial steamboat One of the first breakthroughs of the Transportation Revolution

Railroads Train accidents were common because engineers would travel too fast Steampowered trains became popular after 1830 when Cooper raced his locomotive, Tom Thumb, against a horse-drawn railcar

Ch 13 Section 4

Messages by Wire Telegraph- sends pulses of electrical current through a wire First shown to work in the election of 1844 Not able to work before this date Inventor-Samuel Morse

New Factories Start of revolution, many factories use water power, but we will start to switch over to steam power to run machines can build steam power factories anywhere can be closer to city more workers less shipping

Better Farm Equipment John Deere-blacksmith who made the steel bladed plow Cyrus McCormick-designed a mechanical reaper that cut down wheat quickly and efficiently

Changing Life at Home Sewing Machine- Singer was world’s largest maker Ice boxes-keep food cold Iron cookstoves Clocks