Greek lesson 13 Vocabulary 12 new words
Lesson 13: Vocabulary 1. Anesthetic (noun) – a drug used before surgery, to produce an incapability of feeling or responding Example sentence: Anesthetics administered for surgery present their own risks, and are a very important factor when unnecessary surgeries are considered.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 2. Ethical (adjective) – having to do with ethics or morality or conforming to moral standards Example sentence: An ethical concern related to the issue of human cloning is that cloned individuals could be biologically damaged due to the inherent unreliability of cloning technology.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 3. Utopia (noun) – an imaginary or ideal country Example sentence: Many people who join communes try to create their own utopia where the problems of modern society can’t touch them.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 4. Dystopia (noun) – an imaginary place which is depressingly wretched and whose people lead a fearful existence Example sentence: The Hunger Games trilogy focuses on a futuristic dystopia called Panem, where 24 adolescents are plucked from the population to take place in a televised death match.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 5. Panoramic (adjective) – unlimited view in all directions, a sense or visual image Example sentence: The hikers braved the journey up Mount Bromo to catch a glimpse of the stunning panoramic view of live volcanos.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 6. Mnemonic (adjective) – assisting or intending to assist memory Example sentence: The acronym Roy G. Biv is a mnemonic device to remember the order of the colors of the rainbow.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 7. Amnesia (noun) – partial to total loss of memory caused by brain injury or by shock Example sentence: The woman who had been in an accident was suffering from amnesia and didn’t recognize her family.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 8. Epitaph (noun) – inscription on tomb or gravestone in memory of the person buried there Example sentence: When Robert Frost died his family had the last line from one of his poems inscribed on his gravestone epitaph.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 9. Sophomore (noun) – a student in their second year of college or secondary school Example sentence: My sophomore year in college I changed my major to political science.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 10. Euthanasia (noun) – act or method of causing death painlessly so as to end suffering Example sentence: The number of Dutch people killed by medical euthanasia has more than doubled in the 10 years since legislation was changed to permit it.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 11. Synopsis (noun) – a statement giving a brief or general review, condensed Example sentence: The website SparkNotes provides a free synopsis of all the crucial points summarizing all of Shakespeare’s plays.
Lesson 13: vocabulary 12. Philosophy (noun) – according to the love of or pursuit of knowledge Example sentence: Non-violence was a central concept in Gandhi’s philosophy of life which he used extensively in his approach to public action.