Vocabulary 9B
Gnarled (adj.) knotted, twisted, lumpy S: knotty, misshapen, contorted A: smooth, unblemished, straight The gnarled limbs of cypresses dominate many of the landscapes painted by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh.
Indemnity (n.) a payment for damage or loss S: compensation, restitution, reparation A certain type of life insurance contract provides double indemnity for the accidental death of the policyholder.
inkling (n.) a hint; a vague notion S: clue, intimation, suggestion I had absolutely no inkling of what to expect as I entered the room.
limpid (adj.) clear, transparent; readily understood S: lucid, intelligible A: clouded, murky, opaque Snorkelers flock to the limpid waters of the Caribbean to view schools of brightly colored fish.
omnipotent (adj.) almighty, having unlimited power or authority S: all-powerful A: powerless, impotent, feeble, weak Many of the heroes of ancient myths and legends appear to be all but omnipotent.
Palatable (adj.) agreeable to the taste or one’s sensibilities; suitable for consumption. S: edible, appetizing, attractive A: inedible, distasteful, disagreeable The addition of some seasonings will usually make even the blandest of dishes palatable.
poignant (adj.) deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell S: heartrending, bittersweet, melancholy A: unaffecting, bland, vapid, insipid, funny There is something truly poignant about the sight of falling leaves in autumn.
rancor (n.) bitter resentment or ill-will S: animosity, enmity, bitterness A: goodwill, harmony, rapport, amity An unusual degree of rancor may creep into the tone of the political debate in an election year.
sophomoric (adj.) immature and overconfident; conceited S: pretentious, superficial, fatuous A: mature, judicious, sage, knowledgeable Adolescents aren’t the only people whose behavior might at times be considered a bit sophomoric.
spontaneous (adj.) arising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance. S: unpremeditated, unplanned, impromptu A: premeditated, planned, contrived, rehearsed Actors try to make their performances seem as spontaneous as possible.