Foreign Policy Nixon accomplished much in foreign policy Henry Kissinger Nixon’s Secretary of State Harvard Professor Greatly admired REALPOLITIK, or practical politics Détente Nixon and Kissinger’s greatest accomplishment Détente was the easing of tensions with the USSR
China Nixon became first U.S. President to travel to China The basis for diplomatic ties was established
USSR Nixon met with Leonid Brezhnev Sought to end the PROLIFERATION of nuclear weapons Nixon and Brezhnev signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) limiting nuclear weapons
Election of 1972 To regain White House in 1972, Nixon resorted to “dirty tricks” Used “wire taps” to eavesdrop on telephone conversations Punished people who “leak” information Printed untrue stories about opposition Sent hecklers to the Democratic Convention
Watergate Phones at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters tapped by “Plumbers” 1st attempt resulted in failure 2nd attempt resulted in arrest The FBI traced money found on the men to Nixon’s re-election campaign Nixon called the CIA to try to get them to halt the FBI People were bribed to keep the story quiet until after the election Nixon won the election of 1972 Nixon tied to the activity via audio tapes To keep from being impeached, Nixon resigned