The Cardiologist's Mindset in the Management of Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease: Today and Tomorrow
CVD in the Diabetic Patient
Aspirin Evidence: Effect of Antiplatelet Treatment of Vascular Events
HOPE Study Outcomes: Events Per Patient Group
CVD Risk in Diabetic Patients Treated With Statins
Glycemia, on its Own, is a Risk Factor for Negative Cardiovascular Outcomes
Trials of More vs Less Glucose Lowering
Effects of More vs Less Intensive Glycemic Control
Accord Trial Neutral Result or Trend to Benefit Occurred
Ultimate Question
Insulin Use in the Acute Setting
DIGAMI Study: CVD Mortality Post-AMI
Common Comorbidities Associated With CVD
Common Glucose-Lowering Drugs
ACS in the Emergency Department
Perception Issues
ACCORD Trial Takeaways
Gaps in Knowledge and Practice
Final Thoughts
Abbreviations (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)