Watergate Primary Sources
Essential Question: What caused Watergate and how did it change American Politics and the Presidency?
You will need to analyze 4 primary sources must be a different type: Examples: Photo of an artifact. Handwritten notes from the time. Subpoena A snippet from the White House Tapes Etc.
Notes on 18 ½ minute gap in tapes:
Image(s) of Grand Jury subpoena issued by Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox to President Richard Nixon
Page from Nixon Enemies List
John Ehrlichman, President Richard Nixon's assistant for domestic affairs, testifying before the Watergate committee. [U.S. Senate Historical Office]
Herblock Cartoon: [Nixon, with a money-bag for a face, carries a sign, "I am not a crook"], April 4, 1974. Ink, graphite, and opaque white over graphite underdrawing on paper. Published in the Washington Post (78) LC-USZ62-126921
Tapes: You may use your ear plugs to listen to some of the tapes.
Grade for Assignment Source Points Background Reading 10 (in Binder) 1st Primary 10 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 4th Primary Quality & Relevance of Sources 20 (5 pts each) Total 70 pts
Be Prepared to Share Your Information in a Group Discussion Next Time.