Only when the other ½ needed is the ring magnetised ½ the current needed to magnetise the ferrite ring
A 10.8×10.8 cm card of core memory of 32x32 = 1024 bits, as used in a CDC 6600 Originally all made by hand
1nm 1mm 10-9 m 10-2 m 1/10,000,000 = 10-7 So it should be possible to create a molecular memory with a density 1014 x greater
An Wang Sells Core Memory Patent to IBM March 4, 1956 An Wang Sells Core Memory Patent to IBM An Wang sells his patent for ferrite core memory to IBM for $500,000. One of the most important inventions in computer history, ferrite core memory was widely used in digital computers from the mid-1950s until the mid-1970s. The U.S. Patent Office awarded Wang the patent for what he called a pulse transfer controlling device in 1949. Jay Forrester at MIT is considered the inventor of core memory. Harry Kroto 2004