Networking of Embedded Systems Guru Parulkar Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of California, Riverside and National Science Foundation I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to present to you our thoughts on this new exciting center. Let ms start with a simple question and a prediction. Has computer and their networking changed your life in many ways in the past ten years? I am sure the answer is yes. The prediction is that the networking of embedded systems will even bigger impact on our lives in the next ten years. We at UCR want to lead this change and that is what this center is about.
Board’s participation will lead to a grand success Executive Summary Sensorial Embedded Systems (SES) show great promise Will bring another IT revolution that is even bigger Networking of SES offer tremendous opportunities Research, technology development, education and overall impact UCR is well positioned to lead Expertise and track record of the faculty Commitment of the University leadership Funding opportunities: federal and industrial I want to share essentially three ideas with you. The first idea is that networking of sensorial embedded systems will bring about another bigger IT revolution. The second idea is that this revolution offers tremendous opportunities for exciting research, technology development, education and most importantly technology transfer and impact on the society. The third idea is that UCR is well positioned to lead this revolution and that is the mission of this center. Finally we strongly believe that board’s participation in terms of help and advice will lead to a grand success for all parties, that is local industry and community, student population, and of course the University. Please allow me to elaborate on each one of these ideas over the next 15 minutes or so. Board’s participation will lead to a grand success 13 January 2019
What is an Embedded System? “Intelligence” built into physical systems Intelligence in the form of computing Examples Weapons Automobiles Appliances Scientific instruments Toys And more Our first idea is that the networking of embedded systems will bring about the second IT revolution. What is an embedded system? In simple terms embedded system has intelligence in the form of computing built into it. And embedded systems have been around since computing has been around and have been getting more and more sophisticated. For example, self guiding missile is a very sophiticated embedded system. Similarly, almost all our automobiles have many, in some cases hundreds of, embedded computers and they do all kinds of functions for us. For example electronic fuel injection, antilock break, mirror control, door control and so on. Continuing on a typical cell phone has a few computers that keep track of names and numbers, play different tones, and other interesting and annoying functions. And so on. It interesting to know that there are 6B embedded processors sold every year whereas there are only couple of hundred million regular processors sold every year. So embedded systems have been a big industry and has been a part of our lives. So what is the big deal now? What is the big deal? 13 January 2019
Technologies Changing the Rules Digital sensors and actuators Very inexpensive and can be integrated into silicon Wireless Low power inexpensive RF Silicon integration Sensor, DSP, CPU, FPGA, wireless, actuators Huge software on a chip Ultimate vision: Smart Dust There are three technologies that are changing the basic rules in this space and they would bring about the revolution. The three technologies are Digital sensors and actuators Low power inexpensive wireless transceiver that can be also integrated into a chip. Finally of course the silicon integration that we are all familiar with. It allows doubling silicon capability every 18 months. The one big difference in this case is that people want to put not only processing but also sensors, DSPs, programmable logic, and actuators on the same chip. So imagine you have a chip (10mm X 10mm) that can sense the environment around it; compute something useful; communicate its results and/or act on them by actuating something. And it costs only few cents. 13 January 2019 UC Berkeley Motes
Applications in All Aspects of Life 13 January 2019
Applications in All Aspects of Life Scientific Precision agriculture Structural analysis Habitat and environment monitoring and response Water contamination detection Defense Target recognition and tracking Asset tracking and deployment Homeland security and protection of critical infrastructure Civilian Tracking of all kinds of things Health monitoring and alert Instrumented buildings Disaster recovery Residential Instrumented homes security, lighting, entertainment Tracking of people (kids) & goods Network of SES: Central Nervous System for WEBs 13 January 2019
Executive Summary: Agenda Sensorial Embedded Systems (SES) show great promise Will bring another IT revolution that is even bigger Networking of SES offer tremendous opportunities Research, technology development, education and overall impact UCR is well positioned to lead Expertise and track record of the faculty Commitment of the University leadership Funding opportunities: federal and industrial I want to share essentially three ideas with you. The first idea is that networking of sensorial embedded systems will bring about another bigger IT revolution. The second idea is that this revolution offers tremendous opportunities for exciting research, technology development, education and most importantly technology transfer and impact on the society. The third idea is that UCR is well positioned to lead this revolution and that is the mission of this center. Finally we strongly believe that board’s participation in terms of help and advice will lead to a grand success for all parties, that is local industry and community, student population, and of course the University. Please allow me to elaborate on each one of these ideas over the next 15 minutes or so. Board’s participation will lead to a grand success 13 January 2019
Challenges and Opportunities New Machines New Environments Applications New Scale Billion to trillion devices! 13 January 2019
Challenges Difficult interfaces to physical world Highly resource constrained Highly heterogeneous Unusually long life time Unprecedented scale Highly critical security and privacy 13 January 2019
Design Methodologies Tools Opportunities Design Methodologies Tools Foundations Research Applications Domain Specific Tools Middleware Continue to build and connect distributed resources: computers, data centers, sensor networks, etc. Continue to develop the cybertools that are needed to develop applications and to create a robust Grid capability. Add data repositories, sensors. Increase education and training. Networking Distributed DSP HW, SW Platforms Sensors 13 January 2019
Funding Opportunities DARPA A couple of programs Focused on enabling technologies & defense applications NSF More programs to come Other agencies also getting into this area A variety of industries Almost all sectors Computing and communication Defense Consumer electronics Construction Target for Collaboration, Funding, Technology Transfer 13 January 2019
Executive Summary: Agenda Sensorial Embedded Systems (SES) show great promise Will bring another IT revolution that is even bigger Networking of SES offer tremendous opportunities Research, technology development, education and overall impact UCR is well positioned to lead Expertise and track record of the faculty Commitment of the University leadership Funding opportunities: federal and industrial I want to share essentially three ideas with you. The first idea is that networking of sensorial embedded systems will bring about another bigger IT revolution. The second idea is that this revolution offers tremendous opportunities for exciting research, technology development, education and most importantly technology transfer and impact on the society. The third idea is that UCR is well positioned to lead this revolution and that is the mission of this center. Finally we strongly believe that board’s participation in terms of help and advice will lead to a grand success for all parties, that is local industry and community, student population, and of course the University. Please allow me to elaborate on each one of these ideas over the next 15 minutes or so. Board’s participation will lead to a grand success 13 January 2019
UCR Strategy Continue to build on core expertise Time to create a center of excellence Take advantage of federal and state funding programs Work with local and global industries Develop shared vision Co-develop technologies and systems Facilitate technology transfer Continue to develop undergrad and grad curriculum 13 January 2019
UCR Core Expertise Strong foundation in place Long track record in Embedded, networking, wireless, DSP, & software sys Several research projects in progress Strong collaborations in place And willingness to build more 13 January 2019
Core Expertise: Embedded Sys Long history of research in embedded systems, methodology, and tools Design Methodologies Tools Hardware Platforms Sensors 13 January 2019
Core Expertise: Networking SW Sys Tremendous track record in protocols, networking, and wireless systems Networking Protocol Stack Software Platforms 13 January 2019
Core Expertise: Middleware Stellar track record in building distributed software systems Domain Specific Tools Middleware 13 January 2019
Core Expertise: Foundations Expect strong fundamental results Foundations Research 13 January 2019
UCR Target Applications Lot of opportunities to build interesting applications Biosensors and Bioremediation Group 13 January 2019
Board Participation Participate on the advisory board Help share the vision and excitement with Local and global industries Local, state, and federal government Shape partnerships with Facilitate technology transfer 13 January 2019
Summary We have a great opportunity to lead next IT revolution enabled by networking of sensorial embedded systems Let us do it 13 January 2019