Session 3: Tools to facilitate an encounter with Christ - prayer Prayer karakia Form Class Leading assembly prayer Help! I’m on Staff reflection Restorative Justice meetings Fieldtrips
Why pray? Why Pray?
Attitude to prayer: Listening to students And your example
What to pray? Encounter with Christ: Pay attention to the seasons and what they teach us about life
Select a leaf/shell/stone How is it open/closed? How am I open? How am I closed? What do I need to let go of?
Encounter with Christ: Stillness prayer In the silence of stillness, we come to appreciate the place and space of God within.
Pray for our fractured world
Resourcing you for your situation
Digital prayer – there’s an app for that! Prayer App Sign up to a prayer app and use it every day eg Lent This one uses the ancient Ignatian practice of “examen”, reflecting on your day – in an easy accessible way This one gives you a daily reading, some music, and some prayer prompts Another is Lenten Activites
Rosters Week’s turn Time to prepare Storage of resources Are you rostered on? Ask students for help
Sacred Space Suggestions to include: Bible Candle (light for prayer) Prayer book Ask students for help eg flowers from school grounds, leaves
Use your taonga to hold/store these prayers To summarise- resources to help you lead prayer Use the senses Faith Central (>Chapel > prayer resources) Tui Motu (NZ Catholic Publication blessings/poems) NZ Herald/BBC Use your taonga to hold/store these prayers
My Journal Page Write or draw about each of the following: God, I give thanks for…
Over to you….any questions?
Kinaesthetic prayer *Play-dough *sandpaper *Writing finger in hand
Closing prayer At the heart of prayer is the word relationship. Central to encountering Christ is the quality of relationship. Using play dough – craft an image, word or symbol of God’s love and relationship for you in your life
Mark Chagall White Cross Evaluations with thanks
Praise – expressing admiration or appreciation of persons or things – WOW Petition – making requests of one sort or another – Please help, Gimmee Sorrow – saying sorry and asking forgiveness – OOPS! Thanksgiving – giving thanks for favours received – TA!
Spoken: Traditional Prayer Our Father, in heaven Hallowed be Your Name; Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.