A brief introduction to bloggin… What the blog!?! A brief introduction to bloggin…
3 key points! Teachers Who Blog Engage Students on a Higher Level. Students are motivated by technology. Provides extra learning opportunities.
What is blogging? short for Web logs online journals or diaries public or private, entertaining or educational, eclectic or subject specific.
Why Blog? Kids love blogging! Students who lack the reading and writing skills they need to succeed also may lack the motivation to practice those skills. Blogs offer an innovative way for students to engage in reflective reading/writing on classroom topics in a familiar medium.
Why… It’s a way to reach a student outside of the classroom. In short, blogs can bring today's students into the world of writing -- even at 2 a.m., even in their pajamas! Best of all, blogs are easy to create and maintain!
Where can I set up a blog? www.blogger.com www.ning.com www.wordpress.com
Interesting sites for teachers http://www.teachforever.com/ http://supteach.blogspot.com/ http://www.learninginalaska.blogspot.com/ http://www.lisaheaton.com/
Tips Keep student names out of it. Post pictures, but not of the students faces. Keep it professional and be positive. Design your site to engage the students.
My site http://austinsalgebraniacs.blogspot.com/