The Pharmacist’s Role in Advancing Glucose Monitoring With New Technologies
Glucose Monitoring: An Evolving Landscape
Benefits of CGM Therapy
Blood Glucose Meter and CGM
Interpreting and Using CGM Data
CGM Trend Arrows and Curves
Pharmacists Can Help Promote Adherence to CGM
Match a CGM Device to Each Patient
REPLACE-BG Study Adverse Events Summary
Therapeutic Insulin Dosing
Flash Glucose Monitoring
Physiologic Lag Time in Measurement
Updated US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Coverage and Coding
Who Benefits From CGM
There Is a Need for a Standardized Glucose Report
Development of the AGP
Standardization of Reporting (With AGP) Mentioned by Major Societies
The AGP Can Help Simplify the Patient’s Life
The AGP Collapses Glucose Data From a 2-Week Period
The AGP: a 1-Page Report
Adoption of the AGP in Modern and Standardized CGM
The Pharmacist Can Aid Understanding and Utilization of CGM and the AGP Report
Patient and Healthcare Provider Education
Closing Remarks