VBF Htt report Catalin & Tony April 24, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

VBF Htt report Catalin & Tony April 24, 2007

Default-LVL2 rates Monika Wielers pointed us to AOD->ntuple example: Works in 12.0.6, needs modifications for earlier versions So we moved to 12.0.6. Will need the AOD’s for dijet and Higgs In the meantime, Francesca Sarri pointed us to her own ntuples, which have only a fraction of the trigger information These variables seem sufficient for a manual implementation of the LVL1/LVL2/EF requirements. Coding the ‘LVL2-FTK’ requirements in progress, but not working quite yet. For the next meeting we plan to: Transport our tracking req. code to the new ntuple environment, and get signal and background AOD’s and run athena to get official-style ntuples. Larger in size but also more complete.

Very preliminary results Dijet samples: J0 5009 sample (dijet pT range 8-17 GeV) : 115000 evts. J1 5010 sample (dijet pT range 17-35 GeV) : 270000 evts. J2 5011 sample (dijet pT range 35-70 GeV) : 6000 evts. J3 5012 sample (dijet pT range 70-140 GeV) : 9630 evts. Francesca does not have the dijet trigger rates in her talk, but rather points to a T&P talk by Eric Torrence: http://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=142&sessionId=0&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=12404 Comparison to Eric’s values for single tau15i trigger shows 10-20% smaller L1/L2/EF rates: Sample LVL1 LVL2 EF J0 642 238 62 J1 741 276 71 J2 307 85 23 J3 26 6 2 Sum 1716 605 158