** In your notes, in preparation for a video clip about slavery and the cotton industry – “America: The Story of Us – Division,” (7:40 – 16:53) write down the following prompts / questions, leaving spaces in between: - (1) Impact of cotton gin … - (2) By 1830, the U.S. is producing ____ % of the world’s cotton and by 1850 ____ %. - (3) Why do pro-slavery interests want to push slavery westward? - (4) How does the cotton industry transform and benefit the North?
Causes of U.S. Civil War – “LONG TERM” 1 = Ambiguities of U.S. Constitution (1787) Perpetual Union? Were states allowed to leave (secede)? 2 = “Tradition of State Sovereignty” and States’ Rights Nullification & Secession
Causes of U.S. Civil War – “LONG TERM” 3 = Slavery By 1860, there were 4 million African-American slaves in the South 4 = Cotton Gin (1793) by Eli Whitney 5 = Second Great Awakening and Rise of Abolitionism in North (1830’s) “Circuit Riders” … Appeal to reform society …
Second Great Awakening Second Great Awakening and Rise of Abolitionism in North (1830’s) Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison (1831 – 1865) ** Changes Abolition Movement … Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) Handout Questions: ** (1) Why did the Second Great Awakening lead to a rise in Abolition sentiment in the North? ** (2) Why did Slaveholders not consider themselves egregious sinners?
Causes of U.S. Civil War – “LONG TERM” 6 = “Slave Power” Influence and Change in “Southern Conscientiousness” Only 1/3 of Southerners owned slaves Thomas Jefferson, 1743 - 1826 John C. Calhoun, 1782 - 1850
Attempts to “Deal” With Slavery 1800 – Gabriel’s Rebellion … White Virginians propose emancipating slaves 1816 – American Colonization Society … Received $100,000 from U.S. Congress
Attempts to “Deal” With Slavery 1820 – Virginia’s “Haiti Plan” … Proposal to emancipate a certain number of slaves each year and send them to Haiti Vs. 1831 – Nat Turner’s Rebellion … Approximately 120 slaves and free African Americans were killed by militias and mobs in the area
Nations and Empires that ended slavery through “Compensated Emancipation” Argentina Bolivia Brazil British Empire India, East Africa, etc. Chile Columbia Danish Colonies Netherlands Ecuador French Empire West Africa Mexico and Central America Paraguay Peru Spanish Empire Sweden Uruguay Venezuela United States (Washington D.C. only)
Causes of U.S. Civil War – “LONG TERM” 6 = “Slave Power” Influence and Change in “Southern Conscientiousness” Only 1/3 of Southerners owned slaves Thomas Jefferson, 1743 - 1826 John C. Calhoun, 1782 - 1850
Causes of U.S. Civil War – “LONG TERM” 7 = Westward Expansion and “Manifest Destiny” Failed compromises between Northern and Southern states 8 = Economic differences, North and South Agrarian South vs. Industrial North Growth of “wage labor” in North
Causes of U.S. Civil War – Immediate Events Fugitive Slave Act, 1850 (Part of Compromise of 1850) Dred Scott Case, 1857 John Brown’s Raid, 1859 Election of Abraham Lincoln, 1860 South Carolina Secedes, Dec. 20, 1860 ** President Lincoln decides to reinforce Fort Sumter, S.C., April 12, 1861