The root: Socio Discuss with your team: What might this root mean in a word? Can you think of any words that may have the root socio?
The root: Socio Companion, friend
Social adjective Friendly, a person who enjoys companions.
Antisocial adjective Against the basic rules of the group; harmful to the people in the group.
Unsocial Not social; having or showing dislike for others in a group. adjective Not social; having or showing dislike for others in a group.
Associate A fellow worker or friend (usually related to an office) noun A fellow worker or friend (usually related to an office)
Association noun A group of people who have gathered based on similar goals or beliefs.
Disassociate verb To break ties with a group; to end a friendship; to sever a relationship.
Socialite noun A person who is important or of high rank within a specific, usually fashionable group.
Sociogram noun A diagram that represents each person’s friends in a classroom.
Sociology noun The study of how people get along.
Sociopath A person who suffers from an antisocial mental disorder. noun A person who suffers from an antisocial mental disorder.
The suffix: tude Discuss with your team: What might this suffix mean in a word? Can you think of any words that may have the suffix tude?
-tude condition of attitude fortitude solitude plentitude servitude Suffix ending condition of attitude fortitude solitude plentitude servitude magnitude ingratitude beatitude
attitude noun Manner, disposition, or feeling with regard to a person or thing
fortitude noun Mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously Never once did her fortitude waver during that long illness.
solitude noun The state of living or being alone.
plentitude noun A full supply; plenty
servitude noun Slavery or bondage of any kind
magnitude noun Greatness of size or amount
ingratitude noun The state of being ungrateful; unthankfulness
beatitude Supreme blessedness; exalted happiness noun The Beatitudes are eight blessings in the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew