Simple Encryption- Lesson 5 Day 35
Review / Quiz Article Quiz Review
Lesson 5- Simple Encryption Encryption is a process - an algorithm - for transforming a message so that the original text is hidden from anyone who is not the intended recipient. This is often called a “secret code.” Reversing the encryption process to reveal the original message is called decryption. History is full of examples of people encrypting messages and attempting to crack secret codes.
Lesson 5- Simple Encryption Encryption - a process of encoding messages to keep them secret, so only "authorized" parties can read it. Decrytion - a process that reverses encryption, taking a secret message and reproducing the original plain text Cipher - the generic term for a technique (or algorithm) that performs encryption Caesar's Cipher - a technique for encryption that shifts the alphabet by some number of characters.
Lesson 5- Simple Encryption Random Substitution Cipher: an encoding technique that maps each letter of the alphabet randomly to different letters or characters. Cracking encryption - When you attempt to decode a secret message without knowing all the specifics of the cipher, you are trying to crack the encryption.
Lesson 5- Simple Encryption Lesson 5 Go For It!
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