..If romantic love is universal & present in all societies?..Whether people everywhere experience & understand birth and death in the same or similar ways?..Why finding a toenail in your soup is so disgusting?
1. The study of human beings and their societies.. 2. The study of both the diversity and the similarity of these societies and cultures..
1. It is holistic – looks at the big picture not just one aspect of human experience 2. It is comparative - seeks to make comparisons between human societies, in terms of behaviour, beliefs and practices 3. It is based on field-work – research on the ground
Aids cross-cultural understanding through: 1. Developing an understanding of the great variety of human societies, behaviour and beliefs 2. Encouraging an examination of your own cultural beliefs, assumptions and behaviours 3. Providing an opportunity to travel and/or learn about different ways of living..
1. Critical thinking skills and the ability to evaluate different ideas and concepts 2. The capacity to write, about culture, society and human behaviour but also more generally in a critical and analytical way. 3. The ability to conduct anthropological research, either short projects or long-term fieldwork..
Federal and State Government Departments Native Title and cultural heritage management Politics and Policy (research and planning) Law (reform, Native Title, International) Foreign Aid and International development programs; AusAID, World Bank, UNAIDS, NGOs. Museums and Art Galleries; cultural heritage Medical or Health sector jobs Media and communication Teaching and careers in the education sector…
Popular culture Media & art Religion and spirituality Health, medicine & psychology Emotion and the mind Development, poverty & conflict Native Title and cultural heritage Communities and social change Gender and sexuality Environment and space Food and consumption Life and death
Semester One ANTH1105 Anthropology of Everyday Life An introduction to anthropology as the study of everyday life for understanding social life, whether in our own or other cultural worlds. Introduces major themes in anthropology: the concept of culture, how we get along with other people, the way our everyday lives are made meaningful and the everyday dimensions of social life.
Semester Two ANTH 1104 Culture and Society Examines essential aspects of human social life from a cross-cultural perspective, one of the defining characteristics of anthropology. Provides an introduction to the historical emergence of anthropology as a distinctive discipline & way of studying the world.
Anthropology of Conflict and Crisis Ethnography: Engaged Social Research Popular Culture: Passion, Style, Vibe Consuming Passions: Anthropology of Food and Drink Emotion, Mind and Person
Life, Death and Culture The Sexual Body: The Anthropology of Sexuality Native Title Anthropology: Society, Law and Practice Anthropology Today: Experience, Power, Practice