Bell work: Which of these are 1 standard drink?
1 standard drink: A standard drink is any drink containing 10 grams of alcohol. One standard drink always contains the same amount of alcohol regardless of container size or alcohol type, that is beer, wine, or spirit. oE5-8JA
Senior HPE term 4 Theory – Alcohol and Other Drugs Practical – Athletics and Striking and Fielding games.
What is alcohol? - COPY Alcohol is a liquid produced by fermentation. Further processing produces alcoholic drinks such as beer, wine, cider and spirits. Alcohol is a depressant drug. This means that it slows down the activity of the central nervous system and the messages going between the brain and the body. Depressant drugs do not necessarily make a person feel depressed.
Alcohol and the brain: What is the purpose of the Australian Drinking Guidelines? What should people do who are under the age of 18? Name at least 3 reasons why young people should not drink alcohol? How does drinking contribute to the rate of teenage deaths? How does drinking affect the brain? How can drinking effect a person’s Mental Health? What are the dangers associated with young people drinking? What or who often influences young people to drink? What can parents do to support their child? What strategies can teens use to prevent themselves from being peer pressured into drinking?
Athletics Discuss - Shot put -
Week 2 – Drug classifications