Welcome To Ms. McCants’ Busy BEEHIVe Are you ready to learn, work and play hard?
Meet Your NeW teacher! My name is Ms. McCants. I have been teaching for 15 years. This is my third year at Orchard Elementary I am so excited to be your Pre-Kindergarten teacher.
My SWEEt Daughter, Genesis Genesis is 9 years old. She will turn 10 on August 19th. She is in 5th grade.
I love my family My dad’s name is Leroy Bones. He is 68 years old. My sister’s name is Jessica. I have one nephew and one niece. Their names are Carrington and Byron Jr.
these are a few of my favorite things!
Meet Your NEW Assistant TEACHER! My name is Mrs. Wright. I am married and I have two children. I love spending time with my grandchildren and creating things!
What will you learn this year? You will learn all your letters and sounds. You will learn all your colors, numbers, and shapes. You will become a better writer. You will learn how to get along with others. You will learn, work, and play hard!
Who ARE YOU & WHAt do you like to do? Let’s Play Introduce Yourself! Be sure to tell your: Name Age Favorite Thing To Do